【禁聞】中共高官新寵物 可換重刑犯性命





旅美民主人士 劉因全:「中國的管理是一黨專制,共產黨壟斷所有的權利,在這種情況下,只有和共產黨的掌握權力的高官有關係,你無論出現甚麼事他都可以給你壓住,人們就千方百計的去找關係,找關係就要送禮,送禮送甚麼呢,顯然他們就要挖空心思。



大陸藏獒基地負責人 張先生:「 關鍵是投其所好,愛好其實比金錢更重要,並且這個東西,他看不出價值來,這個東西比較含蓄,我也辦過這方面的事情,百十來萬、幾百萬的都有呀﹗他看見這個東西就想起你來了,他肯定會給你想著這個事。」


分析指出,近年來,中共官場大批官員因貪污受賄落馬, 因此這些貪官在收受賄賂的時候,格外的小心謹慎。藏獒也就成了中共高官的新寵。




採訪編輯/常春 後製/李勇

China: Tibetan Mastiff's Used in Corruption and Bribery Exchanges.

The Tibetan Mastiff is on of the oldest breeds of dogs in the
world, and is traditionally known for it bravery, and loyalty.
Historically, one of the regions the breed is thought to
have originated from is Qinghai Province of China.
Recently, media reports suggest the
Tibetan Mastiff has taken on a new role.
It is often given as an expensive gift to corrupted
officials, as part of land purchases, money
laundering, winning projects or backdoor deals.

In addition, the Mastiff has also been reported to have been
gifted, in order to lessen the penalty of those breaking the law.

Reports suggest that there are four popular
means of bribing officials in Mainland China.
These are gifting of luxurious houses, branded watches,
large amounts of cash, and expenses related to those officials'
childrenstudying overseas, or families travelling overseas.

However, bestowing a Tibetan Mastiff as a
gift is now emerging as a new form of bribery.

Hong Kong-based Apple Daily cited a
report from Guangdong Nandu network.
A person was facing a heavy prison sentence.

The family bought two Tibetan Mastiffs
puppies from a breed expert named Mr Ma.
The puppies were given to a high ranking official, and
soon, the heavy sentence was reduced to a 10 year term.
Mr Ma: "This is what Tibetan Mastiff's can do."

Mr Ma recalled a dark night several years ago.
A gang boss, who owned a mine and a coal
mine, and held several hundred million RMB
in assets, telephoned him from a prison.

Mr Ma was asked to buy a good Tibetan Mastiff.
The man then sent his assistant to Qinhai to collect.
Mr Ma still recalls the story in disbelief.

"What sort of person could freely ring me from their
prison cell, and undertake such a task remotely?"

Liu Yinquan, political expert: "China is a one-party dictatorship.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) monopolises all power.
Under such conditions, only by developing a
relationship with high ranking CCP officials can
people overcome whatever their difficulty is.
People have to develop a relationship with them, which
often sees people bestowing precious gifts on officials.
They rack their brains to select the best gift."

The report quotes a Tibetan Mastiff breeder.
The breeder says how it is difficult to be successful
when trying to bestow cash or precious gifts on
the police, the procuratorate, or the court system.
But Tibetan Mastiff's are easily accepted.

Winning projects, and sealing backdoor deals, is
very easyto achieve by giving a Tibetan Mastiff.
This is the charm of the breed.
He further says that some people nominally
bought Tibetan Mastiffs, but are actually
for land purchases or money laundering.

"Buying or selling Tibetan Mastiff's has
become the loincloth of privileged officials."

Mr Zhang is a Tibetan Mastiff breeder in Mainland China.

Mr Zhang told NTD Television that he used
to have clients who used the dogs as gifts.
Because the anti-corruption campaign is high profile,
officials seek to keep their corruption low profile.
They don't dare to accept cash and precious gifts, but
accepting a Tibetan Mastiff is ok, due to it's hidden value.

Mr Zhang: "The key is to cater to their needs. An enjoyment
is actually sometimes more important than money alone.
That thing has no clear price, and is relative to the individual.
I have also attended these sorts of deals, involving values
for several hundred thousand, or several million RMB.
Once the Tibetan Mastiff is seen, then the requirement
of the giver will become a concern of the receiving official."

Mr Zhang also tells of how some remote clients even
transported the Tibetan Mastiff back by aeroplane.
Currently, a popular look for the dogs is red with long hair.

In addition, there is an exclusive platform for discussing
Tibetan Mastiff's on the social network Tencent Weixin.
There is a lot of experience being shared
about using Tibetan Mastiff's as bribery gifts.

Expert analysis reveals that in recent years, a large number
of CCP officials corruption and bribery were exposed.
Hence, corrupt officials become extraordinarily careful.
The Tibetan Mastiff became a new favourite for them.

The Apple Daily report indicates that in the last decade,
numerous people in Yushu City have bred Tibetan Mastiff's.
This includes Lamas in the temples, governmental
officials, and even ordinary herdsmen.
Breeding rapidly produces an industry,
which helps some farmers alleviate poverty.
The Tibetan Mastiff has become a favourite gift to give.

The price of Tibetan Mastiff's has soared from
several hundred RMB 30 years ago, to several
million, or even several tens of millions, at present.

The report says that to breed a
Tibetan Mastiff needs a lot of space.
They also need keeping securely,
and strictly controlled environments.
This is not affordable to ordinary people.

Liu Yinquan points out that Chinese people
dislike corruption and bribery of CCP officials.
Ordinary people can only choose to pay attention to their own
morals, but some people have been forced to participate in
corruption for some interests, despite personal discontentment.

This corruption slowly pollutes the whole society.
Liu says that currently in China corruption and moral
degradation in society has reached an extreme.

Interview & Edit/ChangChun Post-Production/LiYong