















採訪編輯/常春 後製/孫寧

Wei Cheng: Year Long Activities to Mark June 4
Launches on New Year's Day in New York

To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the
Tiananmen Square massacre, a global movement
launched on New Year's Day in New York.

It has been named 'Wei Cheng', meaning Global Siege.

It is being led by activist Wang Dan, a
witness of the Tiananmen Square massacre.
The movement has taken many months of preparation.

The Global Siege, or Wei Cheng,
was proposed on August 1 of 2013.
It is being organised by activists who
witnessed the Tiananmen Square massacre.
The purpose is to bring resolution to issues associated with
the massacre, and to rebuild political order inside China.

On the morning of New Year's Day, the Global
Siege launched in New York Times Square.

Wang Juntao, one of the main
activity sponsors, spoke to NTD.
In order to better prepare for the event,
organizers arrived early in Times Square.

Wang Juntao: "To celebrate New Year, Times
Square is always crowded on New Year's Eve.
Many people come to Times Square
early in the morning to find a good spot.
More than 10 members of the Democracy Party of
China, and several petitioners from China, as well as
students, have been joining us since New Year's Eve.
They came to Times Square
early, in order to get a good spot."

This year will mark quarter of a century
since the Tiananmen massacre.
This period of time has seen four generations
of Communist leaders, including Deng Xiaoping,
Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping.

The regime maintains it's oppressive
attitude towards the Tiananmen massacre.
Those students who participated in the movement
in 1989 have now all become middle-aged adults.
The early launch of the 25th Anniversary of June 4 signifies
that patience, and then frustration, has reached it's limit.

Organizer Zhang Jian introduced
the objective of this movement:
The Global Siege, Wei Cheng, aims
to end the world's largest tyranny.
It aims to construct a China of democracy and peace.

It commemorates the 1989 pro-democracy,
and remembers the Tiananmen massacre.
It pays tribute, and also wishes a Happy
New Year to political prisoners in China.
This includes Wang Bingzhang, Zhu Yufu, Gao Zhisheng,
and all petitioners and human rights lawyers in China.

Zhang Jian, Chairman of the U.S. Committee of Democracy
Party of China: "It is to show the world that under this
brutal tyranny, there are still many imprisoned in China.
They have been subjected to inhuman persecution
because of their voice and pursuit of freedom and beliefs.
This is the important truth to tell the world."

Yang Weifeng, activist: "Living outside of China, what we
can do is to let more people know the current situation.
To let them know about the persecution of
political prisoners and prisoners of conscience.
This is something everyone can do.
People inside of China are doing it.
For those of us living outside of China,
in a free country, we should do more."

To commemorate June 4, protests took place in
front of Chinese embassies and consulates every year.
This year, the Global Siege will take place
within a completely different scope and means.
A series of activities are anticipated with more
participants from various groups and organizations.
This will last the whole year.

After the launch of this movement on New Year's Day
in Times Square, a relay hunger strike has also started.

Wang Juntao: "Today, Mr. Wang Dan, leader of the 1989
student movement, in Taipei, Mr. Hu Jia in Beijing, and artist
Xue Mingde in New York, will start the relay hunger strike.
The hunger strike will continue with different people
taking part, for 365 days, ending on December 31."

Wang Juntao says that at noon, Xue Mingde will
conduct performance art in the Times Square.

Wang Juntao: "He will tie red silk around his body to
symbolize the red chain of the Chinese Communist Party.
He will lay on a white sheet scattered with pieces
of paper, with different words written on them,
such as liberty, democracy, and human rights.
This aims to address his accusation towards the
corrupt tyranny and his tribute to those who sacrifice
themselves for freedom, democracy and human rights."

Participants of the Wei Cheng indicate a year long activities
will pose greater international pressure on the regime.
It will allow global human rights groups, and mainland
Chinese, to participate in promoting democracy in China.

Interview & Edit/ChangChun Post-Production/SunNing