【禁聞】返鄉票難求 民恨鐵路腐敗











在深圳打工的林先生:「訂火車票挺難的,因為現在這個網絡很有問題的,就是上網速度,有時候,你刷新要刷很久,然後很難搶,就是你一刷新,然後就沒有了,這個很誇張。因為我從深圳到汕尾, 10號就開始上網看了,看了之後就一直開始追蹤,到現在都沒有搶到。有時候那個驗證碼寫的很模糊,那時候連續刷了5次吧!」




採訪編輯/張天宇 後製/李勇

China Railway Corruption Continues, Chinese New Year
Transportation Congestion Continues

"The world's largest migratory activity" for the Chinese Lunar
New Year's Eve, has officially arrived on Jan. 16. The Chinese regime anticipated traffic congestion of more than 3.6 billion people. Even though booking through the Internet and telephone has been made available, a ticket is still hard to come by. The constant failing of China Railway's newly upgraded online booking system, has further drawn criticism and complaints.

In just four days since the transportation around the Chinese
New Year, as of Jan.19, the Guangzhou Railway has
transported more than one million passengers.

State Council Ma Kai, & general manager of China
Railway, Sheng Guangzu,both visited Beijing Railway Station on Jan. 16, "randomly"interviewing one female passenger, Liu Xiuqin.

Ms. Liu said, "It's not too bad, the ticket was not that difficult to obtain."

This news immediately drew a large number of Internet users
sarcasm & innuendo's , such as,
“I got my ticket too, the day after New Year !”

Also, "I got mine on Jan. 32," and, "Me too, it's on Feb. 29,"
another said, "I could only get mine on the eighth day of the week."

A netizen in Guangdong asked: "May I ask Ms. Liu's relationship to the Railway? How did she obtain a ticket? Please help me to get my ticket and I will gladly pay the service fee."

Migrant worker Mr. Lin from Shenzhen: "Since the majority
of people could not obtain their tickets but she could,
people wonder, perhaps she has some internal connections?"

The reporter's investigation found, the phenomenon of a ticket being hard to come by, has not improved one bit. The majority of people, indicate they have tried to book through online connection, telephone or simply visiting the station, yet they still could not get a seat.

Mr. Cao, a migrant worker In Dongguan, Guangdong:
"a few routes are also difficult in getting a ticket."

Mr. Sun, a migrant worker in Guangdong: "It is very difficult
to get a train ticket, and the booking system is so unstable."

Mr. Li, a student at Changchun, Jilin: "A direct line is certainly
very difficult to find."The Internet started selling tickets at 10.00am, I only managed got online at 10.00am.

"In a matter of seconds, sleeping cabins were completely sold out.
Some cars with hard seats only, also completely sold out.
There is no seating available online whatsoever !"

According to Foreign Policy magazine report, China Railway's online page finally had tickets, a clear verification code 12306, eventually became available
after 14 attempts of registering a new account each time.After an hour of searching for a seat between Shenzhen and Sichuan or Hunan, the results were "none available."

Mr. Lin, a migrant worker in Shenzhen: "It is impossible to get
a train ticket. There seems to be a problem with the Internet.
The speed is so slow, it takes ages each time you retry. "

"Every new 're-try' we get only get a blank, it's quite ridiculous.
I am going to Shanwei from Shenzhen. "

"I have been following closely on the Internet since the Jan.10,
still I have not been able to get a seat.
“At one point, the verification code was very vague,
I tried reentering it five times!"

The report also pointed out, that a lot of angry Chinese blamed
the indifference, dereliction of duty and corruption of China
Railway for the failure of the “12306” online system.

A Weibo user said the system is a spam, wasting hundreds of millions of taxpayers' money. There are also media reports, claiming its the lack of efficiency within the railway system, and no matter how the 12306 system has been improved,the China Railway will by no means improve its ticketing efficiency.

Shuai Bin, Vice President of School of Traffic and Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University: "The railway has been a unit of government and industry, harboring many corruptions.

"In terms of capacity, due to a lack of scientific planning and layout, on top of all problems from the past and imbalances in economic development, inequality in the distribution of industries, and between the urban and the city, the transportation issue around the Chinese New Year, will forever remain the same."

Under the pressure of not being able to get a ticket back home,
some people are finding their own ways of resolving this problem.
According to Taiwan's United Daily News report, a Chengdu
citizen decided to get through the congested State Road,
any way he possibly could.

On his way to visiting his newly wedded wife and his new
he decided he would break through the blockade,
by traveling to his loved ones, on a "horse."

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/LiYong