【禁聞】兩會日期確定 各界解讀會前「戲碼」

















採訪編輯/唐音 後製/孫寧

Uproar Predicted Before "TWO SESSIONS"

The CCP will hold the "two sessions" next month.
In the last two years, the CCP's political situation has been
unnstable with more and more open civil revolt.
Given such a chaotic background,what "drama" is in store
before "two sessions"?
Let us see mainland people's opinion.

Mainland media recently reported that the CCP's "two sessions"
will be held on March 3 and 5 in Beijing.
"Two sessions" is the abbreviation of the "National People's
Congress" and "The Chinese People's Political Consultative
Conference" held in March every year.

By convention, the proposal from the "two sessions" representatives
will be approved by the CCP.
However, the "two sessions" is known as the CCP's
"rubber stamp".
Recently, the "two sessions" has changed to "two meeting (silly
meeting)" by people because the proposals are so absurd.

This year, the "two sessions" will be held against the backdrop of
the unstable political and economic landscape.

In economy, in addition to the overall economic downturn,
the renminbi's external revaluation and internal depreciation
will trigger ultra-high inflation and stagflation

which fosters the perturbing risk of the real estate bubble
A mountain of local debt, the high-risk speculation of financial
products and the shadow banking will trigger a credit bubble;
The overcapacity of industry will also face wide scale collapse;
The rising, toxic bank debts will lead to financial crisis.

In addition, the mainland investment environment will gradually
depress due to the rich emmigrating asset transfer and the
state enterprises' overseas investment.

In politics, the CCP's internal so-called, anti-corruption drive,
cleaned out hundreds of officials from local Politics and the Law
Committee and the oil system from last year.

Former member of the Politburo level, State Assets
Administration Committee director Jiang Jiemin, and Deputy
Ministerial level "610 Office" director Li Dongsheng have fallen.

The "II task force" investigation exposed former Politburo
Standing Committee member Zhou Yongkang and the "I task force"
investigation exposed former Vice President Zeng Qinghong.

Former Shandong University professor Sun Wenguang: "there
are a few unavoidable things before this Congress: one is Zhou

It's possible to resolve this problem first because everybody
is talking about it in China and it's not complicated. "

Continental blog writer Liu Yiming: "I feel Zhou Yongkang's
case will be given an explanation before the two sessions because
it has been the national and international focus.
From the official media's hint, it is time to release Zhou
Yongkang's case because it is very interesting to have him
as 'flag ceremony'."

At the same time, a number of "New Citizen
Movement" participants were quickly judged by the authorities.
The organization founder, Doctor of Laws Xu Zhiyong was
sentenced to four years on charge of holding a banner on the street;
Yuan Dong was sentenced to one and half year on charge;
campaigning for government officials to reveal their wealth.
"New Yu three gentlemen" Liu Ping will also face a so-called trial.

Liu Yiming: "I believe the case of some arrested activists from
'New Citizen Movement' will be wrapped up before the two
The two sessions can be smoothly carried out after resolving
these issues.
Anti-corruption is the monopoly of the Chinese authorities, they
will and not allow private individuals to touch it."

Continental blog writer Liu Yiming observed that the CCP has
always shocked the people by repression before the two sessions.

The senior Democrat Che Hongnian said "the current Chinese
people have no faith in the 'two sessions' they rely on their own
citizens' awakening against the CCP's totalitarian regime."

The senior Democrat Che Hongnian: "They still try to maintain
the system, and not let us go.
The Security Committee is to consolidate its power, not for
national security, but against us.
It is obvious that they are trying to strengthen the central totalitarian
regime because the regime has been very weak. "

At the beginning of this year, China has severe haze and avian
There were sandstorms and a large number of dead pigs in
Huangpu River during the last "two sessions".

American "Epoch" Media predicted that China's political storm
is about to blast former Communist Party
Leader, Jiang Zemin's Group.

Interview & Edit/TangYin Post-Production/SunNing
