【禁聞】東莞掃黃 意不在黃 胡春華借力使力


據報導,東莞成立了掃黃專案組,開展為期3個月的打擊專項行動,聲稱要徹查色情行業的關係網,抓獲主要責任人和幕後老闆、消除「 保護傘」。










傳前公安部副部長李東生,在《央視》任職期間,與太子黨曾慶紅的弟弟曾慶淮大搞「美女外交」,不斷向中共高官「進貢」美女,將《央視》變成中南海高層的「 後宮」。


調查數據顯示,被查處的中共貪官中,95%有情婦,腐敗官員中60%以上包有「二奶」。而1999年,在廣州、深圳、珠海公布的102宗官員貪污受賄案件中,「包二奶」官員高達100%。中共官場形成了「 包養情婦為榮,不包養情婦為恥」的官場文化。



採訪編輯/劉惠 後製/鐘元

Power Struggle Shown in Dongguan's Crack down Sex Industry

Prostitution, gambling and drugs are widespread in China today. Dongguan, China's sex capital, recently experienced an unusual crack down on porn.
First, CCTV aired a program targeting five-star hotels in the sex industry and the protecting umbrella behind the industry. Then, the Guangdong authorities conducted massive arrests.

The series of unusual movement was analyzed to defeat Hu Chunhua, Guangdong Party Secretary. However, Hu Chunhua turned around and used it against
opponents in the Guangdong officialdom.

A special task force was reportedly set up in Dongguan to carry out a three-month campaign to stamp down on the sex industry, the protecting umbrella and
the boss behind the scene.

Hua Po, Beijing politics observer: The ulterior motive of the movement is intended for Hu Chunhua, but Hu Chunhua leveraged the power and immediately launched the operation to crack down on the porn. He took the opportunity to clean-out the opponents.

Overseas Chinese media quoted political sources saying thatBeijing is undergoing a reversed political situation. Xi Jinping's reform and anti-corruption were faced with severe criticism from former the Politburo Standing Committee, which
demanded to set Zhou Yongkang's case aside.

The veteran communists threatened Xi Jinping with a chaotic China.
They charged Xi Jinping for overly relying on Wang Qishan, chief of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, in anti-corruption, causing extreme conflict to the party.

Hua Po: Xi Jinping's anti-corruption has caused massive panic to the vested interests groups which are fighting back with full force.

From Chen Guangbiao's visit to New York, to the exposure of regime leaders' overseas offshore wealth, and the movement to crack down on the sex industry in Dongguan, are the result of the struggle within the party.

Zhu Ruifeng, Peoples-Power.com moderator: Guangdong is where the princelings collect wealth. Local officials work with business owners and enjoy a share in
every hotel business.

After the news about Dongguan was exposed, on February 11, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang spoke of zero tolerance and making a hard hit on corruption and corrupt elements, with no exception and no privileges allowed, at the State Department meeting.

Hua Po: the Dongguan incident is a display of internal struggle within the regime prior to the National People's Congress and the Political Consultative Congress at grassroots levels. It will be business as usual to end with the success of the anti-porn in Gongguan and removal of a group of people.
But, the internal struggle will never end, new programs will be staged.

The supposedly supported anti-porn movement created disgusted reactions by the people after the CCTV news report.

Jing Chu, on-line writer: CCTV itself are worse than the prostitutes. CCTV sells both their bodies and reputations.

They are notorious for never telling the truth, and all the programs' hostesses are sex partners to the high-ranking officials.

Their report to expose the prostitution is just a joke.

Former Vice Minister of Public Security Li Dongsheng was said to turn CCTV into the harem for Zhongnanhai top officials. When he was working at CCTV, he had worked with princeling Zeng Qinghong's brother to play matchmaker between CCTV
hostesses and the senior party officials.

The former CCP leader Jiang Zemin ruled the regime with immorality and corruption; Zhou Yongkang plotted a car accident to murder his ex-wife in order to marry a CCTV hostess; and former Chongqing Party Secretary Bo Xilai had sex relations with 100 women, including a Dalian TV hostess, Zhang Weijie, who has gone missing.

Data showed that among the punished corrupt CCP officials, 95% of them were involved in an affair, and more than 60% of them had a mistress.

In 1999, a list of 102 corrupt cases including officials from Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Zhuhai, showed 100% of them harboring a mistress.

The Communist officialdom are said to regard having a mistress as an honor, and being without a mistress is shameful.

A communist official estimated there are currently six
million prostitutes in China. Domestic researchers believe it's more than 10 million. Many of them are actually female college students in the name of providing entertainment, consultation, and business.

The prostitution industry in China is believed to turn over more than 500 billion yuan (US $82 billion), only next to food and the clothing industry.

Among which, 300 billion yuan (US $49.4 billion) was injected in the name of official expenses.

Interview/LiuHui Post-Production/ZhongYuan