




中共當局宣佈軍費持續增加後,日本內閣官房長官菅義偉(Yoshihide Suga)表示,中共的國防政策和軍力缺乏透明度,令日本和國際社會感到擔憂。










美國《華爾街日報》報導,國際戰略研究所(International Institute for Strategic Studies)所長約翰•奇普曼(John Chipman)曾表示,在這個充滿互相衝突的領土主張,以及長期存在潛在衝突熱點的地區,中共的軍費支出導致軍事採購不斷升溫。德國媒體也認為,中國大幅度增加軍費,將刺激亞洲的軍備競賽。

採訪編輯/唐音 後製/周天

In the Beijing parliamentary meetings, the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) reported its 2014 defense budget.

The budget was raised more than 12% to over 800 billion yuan.
This announcement quickly drew world concerns.

Why does the CCP increase its defense spending
year after year during peace time?

The following is our experts’analysis.

The CCP head Li Keqiang said in the annual parliamentary
meetings that Chinese military spending will increase by 12.2%
to 808.23 billion yuan ($131.57 billion).

The CCP has continuously increased its national defense spend
by 12.7% in 2011, 11.2% in 2012, and 10.7% in 2013.

They claim the increased budget will facilitate the development
of more high-tech weapons.

Cai Yongmei, Hong Kong's Open Magazine editor: "The CCP
actually has a background of militarism.

The “Chinese Century” implied militarism, especially the
military Young Turks public clamor in recent years about
『nuclear war’, ‘bomb Tokyo’, and so on.

As long as the CCP remains, the defense budget will continue
to increase and threaten the international communities."

In responding to China’s military budget raise, Japanese Chief
Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said China's lack of
transparency is becoming an issue;

Not only for Tokyo, but also for the rest of the international
community, reported VOA.

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (East Asia) at the United
States Department of Defense David Helvey commented:

"We remain concerned about a lack of transparency regarding
China's growing military and its increasingly assertive behavior
in the maritime domain," which was reported by Reuters.

The CCP state media reported the missions of the newly
increased budget:

To develop high-tech weapons;
To upgrade the logistics infrastructure;
To alleviate the impact of inflations;
To facilitate anti-terrorism and maintenance of stability.

In Hong Kong, there are Army, Navy and Air Force staff
stationed since July 1, 1997, and about 6,000 PLA troops.

Cai Yongmei: "We do not believe any attack will happen to
Hong Kong.

So why is the military stationed there?

The CCP, is a totalitarian dictatorship, the military is
certainly part of the dictatorship machinery.

This state machinery also targets the domestic environment."

The increasing military spending is also believed to partly in
response to the recent tense relations of China with neighboring
countries over issues of the East China Sea and South China Sea.

Lan Su, commentator: "I don’t think that’s a major issue.

I believe the fundamental problem is that conflict between the
party and the people has been so intense that it shakes the ruling
grip of the CCP.

The Diaoyu Island issue is not about the oil.

The CCP does not even care about it, but manipulates the issue of
the islands to provoke Chinese domestic democratic sentiment."

Commentator Lan Su takes the Diaoyu Islands in the East China
Sea as a typical example.

It helped the CCP to divert domestic conflict, serving as an
incentive to increase the budget in the name of preparing for war.

He also believes the budget increase reflects the intensified
infighting within the CCP.

Lan Su: "The spoils system within the CCP is getting more
difficult to balance among factions.

To control and please the army, everyone is in favor of increasing
the military spending.

Controlling the army means controlling the leadership.

The further budget increase from last year actually tells us the
factional struggle within the CCP since the 5th generation of
leadership took the power has gone up."

Since the regime re-established its military ranking system in
1988, the Central Military Commission has created 96 high-
ranking officers and generals.

Included are 17 by former CCP leader Deng Xiaoping,
79 by former leader Jiang Zemin between 1993 and 2004,
and 10 by former leader Hu Jintao.

In a press release by London-based International Institute for
Strategic Studies (IISS) on February 5, John Chipman, director-
general of IISS, stated:

"These outlays are fueling heightened military procurement in a
region replete with conflicting territorial claims as well as
long-standing potential flashpoints."

German media have also expressed similar concerns over the
elevated military procurement in Asia and China’s increasing
military spending.