
















採訪編輯/唐音 後製/周天

Commentary On Chinese Communist Party Officials Disclosing Assets

During a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) congress meeting,
disclosure of officials assets has again become a hot topic.
A representative, Guangzhou Mayor Chen Jianhua
raised questions about how to disclose officials assets?
He hoped the high level officials could give an explanation.

Civil campaigns urging officials to disclose their
assets have repeatedly taken place since 2012.
Subsequently, most of the campaigners
have been arrested and sentenced.
What do the other participants and supporters
of these campaigns think about the CCP’s internal
discussion about disclosure of officials’assets?

Chinese media cited Chen Jianhua
speaking in the congress meeting.
In pilot areas, officials have disclosed their
assets, and it has brought good results.
Chen wanted to know what to do next, hoping
the high-level officials could give guidance.
The media responded that, “to disclose officials
assets doesn’t need the central regime’s guidance.”

In 2013, a pilot project was launched in three areas in
Guangzhou Province, for officials to declare their assets.

Li Xiongbing, China-based activist lawyer:
“Internal monitoring certainly cannot
achieve the goal of disclosure of assets.

The meaning of the declaration is to be open
to the public. This is the primary purpose.
Internal disclosure of officials private
assets is like declaring to themselves.
How much money do they have, they know it
clearly already, so it is not necessary to declare.”

A journalist asked Chen Jianhua whether
there were any false declarations.
Chen responded that he doesn’t work
on this area, so he wasn't clear about it.

In 2013, many officials, including house uncles,
house aunties, house sisters were exposed online.
Amongst them was Cai Bin, who owned 22 properties.

Cai was given an eleven and a half year prison
sentence, and 600,000 yuan assets were confiscated.

Li Xiongbing said that in a democratic country,
officials disclosing private assets is the system.
It is political common sense, and also a universal value.

Before an official is appointed, the official
must declare his property information.
When the official leaves, the changes of his
private assets also need to be publicized.
If the public question anything, the official must
allow an independent agency to investigate.

Li Xiongbing: “If there is an argument existing over
this issue, of whether to launch a pilot project, or
thinking the time is not right, then I think it is nonsense.

This way of thinking is even worse than corruption.

It protects and hides corruption,
wraps up corruption, and legalizes it.”

Netizen Ou Biaofeng actively
participates in “Southern Street Action”.
He commented that in Western countries, officials
private assets can be supervised by the public.
This is the democratic system.

Ou Biaofeng: “This official has
been elected freely by the public.
Their media and news are free to express,
and their legal system is independent.
They have a good system, but in China
we don’t have a democratic system.”

At the end of 2012, people from all walks of life
initiated a signatory campaign, and issued a letter.
The letter urged 205 CCP officials to disclose their assets.

The campaigners included Beijing lawyer Ding Jiaxi,
Guangdong activist lawyer Guo Feixion, as well as
Professor Hu Xingdou of Beijing Institute of Technology.

In January 2014, the regime arrested Xu Zhiyong,
a legal scholar and founder of New Citizens’ Movement.
It also arrested and tried more people who participated
in the letter, including activists Ding Jiaxi and Liu Ping.
Xu Zhiyong was sentenced to four years in prison.

Li Xiongbing believes that Chinese people
easily trust that the regime would keep
their promise to disclose officials assets.

Thus, the citizens sincerely pushed forward
the movement for declaration of assets.
But in the end, these citizens learned a hard lesson.

Li Xiongbing: “Citizens underestimated the
current closed and authoritarian political system.
They faced huge resistance and obstacles
from publicizing the regime officials wealth.
Under the current system, whoever requests officials
to disclose private assets will be suppressed.
There is no doubt. In this regard,
one cannot hold this sort of hope.”

Ou Biaofeng: “Citizens requested
the officials to publicize their wealth.
Actually, this is an entry point to fight the dictatorship,
and they hope to break through the CCP political system.
Unfortunately, the rational and soft
requests were brutally suppressed.
It proves that the regime is weak and scared of it.”

Li Xiongbing believes that these Chinese citizens who
were suppressed by the regime are still campaigning.
They have a sense of responsibility, justice
and a mission for the country and the nation.
Li hopes they can be free soon.

Interview & Edit/Tangying Post-Production/Zhoutian