【禁聞】中共官員房產登記 無關反腐





早在1994年,中共人大常委會已正式將財產申報法列入立法規劃。 2001年中紀委和中組部聯合發佈了《關於省部級現職領導幹部報告家庭財產的規定》。但只有申報的環節,沒有公示的環節。













採訪編輯/李韻 後製/孫寧

Property Registration Is Not Property Declaration

According to the CCP media reports, officers of division level
and above are required to register their property.
Beijing and part of the central government are conducting the
registration according to the official property declaration system.
However, Chinese lawyers indicate the registration is far from
the property declaration for the purpose of anti-corruption.
They warn not to get deceived.

During the CCP "two sessions", Beijing Vice Mayor disclosed
that Beijing is conducting registration of officials' property.

On March 18, the 21st Century Business Herald reported that
division level and above governmental officials are required to
report their property information such as number, area and location,
according to a central official.

Tang Jingling, human rights lawyer: "This registration started
a few years ago, but only applied to new officials.
The registration does not fall into the scope of property declaration.
It's only for the central to control basic information of the assets."

Back in 1994, the Communist Standing Committee formally
included assets declaration law in the legislative plan.
In the 2001 regulation regarding incumbent provincial leading
cadres to report properties, issued by Central Discipline Inspection
Commission and Organization Department,
only the registration was detailed, but not the publicizing.

Commentator Wang Beiji indicates that property declaration is
just for show because corrupt officials get to transfer personal
assets to relatives, friends or overseas, under the illegal ruling and
lack of supervision of the CCP.

Wang Beiji, commentator: "Due to lack of supervision,
the public lack the means to learn the facts about how CCP
officials have manipulated the authorities, colluded with
business, like how Western officials have been monitored."

The demand to publicize Communist officials' properties has
been high in recent years.
Many activists were even arrested and detained for demanding
the official property declaration.
Lawyer Tang Jingling was subjected to the regime's suppression for
promoting official property declaration.

Tang Jingling: "What we have demanded are to publicize
officials' property, including officials kinship with each other,
the officials and their immediate family property status,
their property connections, association of their outside businesses
and their posts such as conflict of interest…
these are what we have focused on."

Tang Jingling indicates that this internal registration of personal
property is redundant, because the public security organs and
courts have the right to investigate officials' personal files.

Tang Jingling: "The Communist regime controls organs which
hold the real estate information.
It is very easy for the regime to investigate officials' property.
For instance, the company registration can be found at the
Trade and Industry Bureau;
The stock register can be located at the securities trading institutions;
Bank accounts can be examined at the banks;
Real estate records can be checked at the Real Estate Board."

Tang Jingling explains that even kinship among officials can
be easily identified by the authorities.
The property registration is not only unnecessary but also deceiving.

The CCP media reported that, the State Council will finish online
individual housing recording within six years as indicated in its
recent announcement, "New urbanization plan 2014-2020".

However, the State Council issued a year ago 'real
estate market control work' which demanded that online
individual housing recording be done by 2015.
Netizens ridiculed, that the online individual housing record was
delayed for five years to allow those multi-house owners to sell
their houses.

Tang Jingling says that technically, the national online housing
information can be achieved immediately.
But the regime delayed the process for fear of greater resentment
over the corrupt officials' housing information.

Tang Jingling: "Once the record is available online, many unjust
properties of officials will easily get exposed, especially for the
properties that were present in the form of real estate.
The online information will frighten the regime,
because it will be out of their control."

Tang Jingling reveals that since the multi-real estate owners were
exposed online, the authorities have set up stringent measures to
block online information of personal real estate.

Lawyers have experienced difficulty when investigating the
house registration.
He believes that these measures are solely to protect the corrupt

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Sun Ning
