【禁聞】提供失聯客機訊息 中共施壓 有效嗎?












採訪/陳漢 編輯/陳潔 後製/舒燦

Will China's Pressure On Malaysia Be Effective?

Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, with 239 people aboard,
has been missing for 12 days.
On March 18, relatives of 153 Chinese passengers expressed
their anger when they met with authorities
from Beijing and Malaysia.

The relatives requested that Malaysia provide more accurate
information, otherwise they will stage a hunger strike.
On the same day, China's ambassador to Malaysia said
in a press conference that the missing plane incident
is under investigation, and many details involving
the criminal investigation cannot be publicized.

The aircraft went missing on March 8.
The Malaysian government's news releases became chaotic,
with new news releases contradicting prior releases.
The news released in the afternoon ran contrary
to the morning's report.
On March 15, Malaysian Prime Minster Najib Razak said
in a press conference that the missing plane's signal
and tracing system were deliberately turned off,
and the plane changed course and headed to the west.
It was likely that the plane was airborne for seven hours
after having gone missing, and it flew to central Asia
or went down in the southern Indian Ocean.

Despite speculation regarding a hijacking, Razak said that
the investigation will focus on the "deliberate" action.
Meanwhile, the South Sea search will conclude.

More than 10 countries have provided hundreds
of ships and aircraft to search the sea,
but may have been searching the wrong area.

On March 17, China Premier Li Keqiang
held a telephone conference with Razak.
Li requested that Malaysia provide
more accurate information.
On the same day, the Malaysian government announced
in a press conference that some relevant information hasn't been released for national security reasons.

The Washington Post reported that Beijing has requested
Malaysia to ramp up the search effort.
"Despite sending nine ships to help in the search, China
appears to have little leverage over
its far smaller southeast neighbor."

The report states that as "incentives for cooperation"…
"China buys “tens of billions of dollars' worth
of raw materials and components from them annually."
"Countries from Vietnam to Australia are uneasy
about China's ambitions, which has hampered its efforts
to acquire influence."

Lan Shu, current affairs commentator: "Although China has
had some economic development over the last few decades,
in cooperating with its neighbors it's still focusing
on its Communist rule.
That's why the neighboring countries feel
more and more uneasy after China's development.
Asian Pacific countries don't have enough confidence
in Beijing.
This is the main reason why Beijing has poor influence."

Wu Fan, US-based expert in China affairs: "The Malaysian
government covers up the information for its own interests.
I think it's likely linked to final compensation issues.
If it is a crash tragedy, compensation claims
would be involved;
If it is a hijacking, which is a criminal matter,
compensation is not applicable.
Thus Malaysia changes its story all the time,
creating confusion and consuming people's energy.
Nonetheless, China's protest did not work."

In fact, following the plane's disappearance,
the Communist Party Propaganda Department issued a notice
ordering all media coverage to toe Xinhua News Agency's
Independent analysis or commentary is forbidden.
The media is not allowed to interview passengers'
family members,
and must strengthen its coverage
of the Communist Party's congress."

Lan Shu: "Beijing suggests that
it is Malaysia Airlines' responsibility.
Because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) doesn't think
the incident will affect it's stability, thus it doesn't concern
itself much.
The Diaoyu Islands are uninhabited islands, but the CCP
hypes the nation's patriotic sentiment in order to divert
domestic conflicts, which the CCP believes is good
for its stability.
China's neighboring countries clearly
know the CCP's way of handling things.
They know that the CCP's concern for its passengers
is just a facade.
Actually, the CCP does not really care about its people.
This is another reason that the other countries didn't take
too much pressure from Beijing."

A netizen who uses the screen name "live broadcasting"
condemned China's media for basing reports
on other media reports, and is concerned that
no original news information has been issued.
However, Japan's Kyodo News, U.S. media and the UK's
Reuters have become major authoritative sources.
This is satirical.
All Chinese people are waiting for the passengers' arrival.
On the contrary, the CCP is engaging in attacking
the so-called "rumors".
The CCP is careless even as they watch
the sorrowful relatives of passengers.
This is Communist China!

Interview/Chen Han Edit/Chen Jie Post-Production/Shu Can