【禁聞】親歷洗腦班 受害者揭建三江黑監獄內幕













編輯/周平 後製/周天
The sky is dark again for Jiansanjiang of Heilongjiang Province. The four illegally detained lawyers were not allowed to meet their defense attorneys. On March 27 afternoon, it was said that lawyers Tang Jitian, Jiang Tianyong, Wang Cheng, and Zhang Junjie were subject to varying degrees of torture at the detention center of Jiansanjiang. Outside of the detention center, there are people and lawyers protesting the illegal detention of the four lawyers with a hunger strike for the third day. Two lawyers have shown the symptoms of collapse from dehydration.

Netizens issued news through Twitter: “Four lawyers were tortured.” It said, "We were confirmed that lawyers Tang Jitian, Jiang Tianyong, Wang Cheng and Zhang Junjie have endured various degrees of torture; one of them was not able to stand up straight after the beating. During the 3 days of hunger strike, we have seen doctors going inside of the detention center every day."

The hunger strike outside of the detention center has been going on for 3 days.
Netizen Wu Lei stated on March 27, “The hunger strike has lasted for 3 days; I randomly interviewed people. Everyone knows and hates the legal education center. The local authorities are very proud of arbitrarily arresting people to the legal education center. The legal education center’s fascist approach is beyond imagination and must be abolished! We call for the Beijing authorities to investigate Heilongjiang black jails.”

Heilongjiang legal education center is located in the backyard of Jiansanjiang Public Security Bureau, known as the brainwashing center. Since April of 2010, this brainwashing center has illegally imprisoned nearly one hundred Falun Gong practitioners. The torture and brainwashing would last from days to seven months. They were also blackmailed over ten thousand yuan of so-called conversion fees.

Last year, the four lawyers were commissioned by the illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners’ cases. The lawyers had requested several times at the brainwashing center to meet with the clients but were refused.

On March 20, more than 30 people, including the four lawyers with the company of other Falun Gong practitioners who had been tortured at the brainwashing center and relatives of the detained, went to the center for the 3rd time to request the release of the illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners being detained were Shi Mengchang, Han Shujuan, Yu Songjiang and Jiang Xinbo.

On December 2, 2011, the practitioner Shi Xiuying was forcibly arrested to the Qinglongshan brainwashing center by the police. After 42 days of brutal persecution, she had surgery to remove three-quarters of the stomach, with a medical bill of 23,000 Yuan. At the end of 2012, Qinglongshan brainwashing center director Fang Yuechun threatened Shi Xiuying to cooperate for a videotaping and agree not to practice Falun Gong.

Shi Xiuying, a Falun Gong practitioner at Jiansanjiang: "After I came home, I could have died if my family had not taken care of me. That’s how the Qinglongshan brainwashing center has persecuted the nice people. The culprits, Fang Yuechun and Tao Hua, have hurt these good people and broken their homes and families. "

Ding Zhengsong, a Falun Gong practitioner experienced the brainwashing center: "They whipped my bare back with belts, for 20 to 30 times. They saw that I shut my eyes, they used either toothpicks or matches, I could not tell, it was already a blur to me, to forcibly keep my eyes open. I went into shock three times that night. But they would not give up on me even when I was in shock. They continued to kick and beat me. Jin Yanpeng even rode on my back and bounced up and down."

On January 2, 2014, more than 20 people including Falun Gong practitioners who experienced persecution such as Jiang Xinbo, and their lawyers submitted a complaint about Qinglongshan brainwashing center to Heilongjiang Procuratorate.

They requested an immediate stop to the criminal conduct by Qinglongshan brainwashing, release of illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners, investigation of the people who are held accountable, and compensation for the physical, mental and economic losses of the Falun Gong practitioners. They also sued Jiansanjiang Procuratorate for malfeasance.

The accused are former brainwashing directors Sheng Shusen and Fang Yuechun; the police Zhou Jingfeng and Jin Yanpeng; center staff Wang Miaoxi and Fang Xiumei; former 610 office director Shi Ping, and Public Security Bureau police Xu Xuebin.