









北京強拆血案 退伍兵捅傷6保安





On Tomb Sweeping Day, Zhao Ziyang
is Worshiped Publically.

There are all kinds of events to commemorate the victims of
June 4 before the Tomb Sweeping Day in China because it is
the 25th anniversary of Tiananmen Massacre.

On April 5-Tomb Sweeping Day- dozens of people went to
the late Chinese Communist Party(CCP)General Secretary
Zhao Ziyang's former home to bow to him, to sincerely burn
incense and write to those missing.
The CCP sent a police car to be on the alert in the vicinity.

Hong Kong Apple Daily reported that Zhao's daughter Wang
Yannan said this year's wish is that June 4 and her father can
both be reinstated.

Hong Kong Civil Groups Commemorate Victims of June 4.

On April 5, Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic
Democratic Movements in China held flower presenting
events to commemorate the June 4 victims.
Nearly 40 organizations participated in this event.

Li Wangyang's Friends Went to the Cemetery to Worship.

Hunan Shaoyang June 4 democracy activist Li Wangyang's
former friends went to cemetery to worship him.
They published online videos and the cemetery location for
more people to pay their respect before Tomb Sweeping Day.

Li Wangyang was found hanged in the hospital before 2012
June 4 and it was suspected that Hunan Shaoyang authorities
tortured him to death.

Local police warned his family not to disclose his gravesite or
his grave would be destroyed and his ashes thrown into Zi river.

The Legionnaire Stabbed Six Securities in Beijing Demolition

China's violent demolitions intensified recently, one of them
occurred in Beijing.

On April 5, Legionnaire Xu Guang's house was destroyed by
hundreds of uniformed securities who rushed into a Beijing
Village. The elders and children were beaten.

Xu Gang stabbed six security people in anger and was taken
critically injured to Beijing 309 hospital.

Xu Gang's wife, parents and brother were hurt in various
After the incident, Xu Gang's house was demolished in
retaliation by the security staff.

Edit/zhou Yulin