【禁聞】廣東茂名反PX 當局鎮壓知多少?


















網友(煤火chen)4號在微博上透露:「國際法上根本不存在中華人 民共和國,只有中華民國。」他呼籲網友「對台灣人大聲說出我們是淪陷區的」。

採訪/陳漢 編輯/周平 後製/李勇

Anti-PX project in Maoming City, The Real Truth Behind Brutal Oppression

The local residents in Maoming City of Guangdong Province,are opposing the PX (p-xylene) project set up in the city.They have met with a blood stained oppression by local government bodies and military tanks.This is a repetition of the past history under Chinese Communist Party(CCP) rule,and the CCP authorities also claimed:'no one died in the incident', after the bloody suppression.
A surrounding local resident said, he'd witnessed police beat the demonstrating people,"there is pervasive bloodshed on the street."A fellow friends school friend was beaten to death by the police.The bloody suppression as well as CCP's tactics of covering up the truth, has reared its ugly head yet again.
Yet there is only one real truth, lets go to the report to find out.

April 8 saw local residents in Maoming City of Guangdong Province, call upon workers to strike, students to strike and shopkeepers to strike.

They want fair treatment for those local citizens who were injured and beaten to death by the police.

NTD interviewed a local resident on April 6 who had witnessed the violent oppression.

The interviewee: "Maoming City is peaceful once again. Every evening, people take to the streets for a leisurely stroll after supper.If the police come, then we all sit down uniformly.There is no violence! "

News from international journalists in Maoming say:April 6, CCP drove away all international journalists from the local hotel.h.

Now many international journalists have all left the
area of Maoming.

On April 4 , one netizen published upon Weibo website,"Some journalists are stuck in Huifeng Hotel."

On the same day, "Hong Kong Journalists Association(HKJA)"made a statement,protesting how a Hong Kong journalist was forcibly expelled out
of China when they'd reported the incident in Maoming.The statement says, a journalist of Hong Kong Apple Daily was intercepted by police on April 2.
All photos and mobile phone information were deleted.

Finally the journalist was forced to write a repentance letter and then escorted to Hong Kong via Shenzhen.Meanwhile, the room at the hotel a Ming Pao journalist was staying,was ransacked by the Propaganda Department of Maoming City,with all information upon their laptop and camera deleted.

The journalist was forced to write a repentance letter.Then he was escorted to leave the city.

HKJA say, such an incident is breaching freedom of news .

To forcibly delete reported information, is seriously infringing upon the intellectual copyright of media companies.

Maoming Local Government, held a news press in the afternoon of April 3.
They claimed, during the conflict between police and local residents on March 30,Conflict between police and demonstrators occurred, "accidentally
injuring" the bystanders.Yet there was no mention of the fatalities.

However, the on-site video obtained by the NTD news team,shows the police circling around the demonstrators,most of whom have no weapons,the authorities then opened fire and shot the demonstrators.

Some witnesses said, the police attacked the demonstrators' heads with electric batons.Leaving them paralysed on the street covered in blood.They did not even identify if they were dead of alive.This whole scenario, of police hitting one
or several demonstrators, lasted from the night of March 30 through to April 2.

Apple Daily also exposed, on the official news press released on April 3,
the questioned journalist was offered with not only designated questions,
but also 500 RMB as travel expenses.

US-based Sound of Hope Radio Network, cited sayings of a local resident on April 5:"I witnessed many people being beaten in the beginning.Bloodshed is pervasive on the streets. It's too brutal.A schoolfellow of my friend was beaten to death."

Independent Commentator on China and US resident, Li Shanqian says:
"There is definitive evidence, showing us that some people were beaten to death.
The official policy is not allowing to provide medical emergency services for those beaten residents.On the other hand, the propaganda machine is telling lies,claiming no one had died.During the oppression, the truth has been covered up again.Such a similar trick has been repeatedly used."

Some residents had spotted, how the hired roughneck of the CCP,was camouflaged as one of the demonstrating residents.Weibo netizens say: "Thanks to the mighty weibo,we are able to clearly see the difference in appearances of the hired roughneck,and to decode the hooligan tricks of the CCP."A netizen also provided two photos related to this.

Li Shanjian: "The plainclothed police were disguised as protestors. One Netizen has published their photos.In fact, of all similar incidents, such incidences have occurred time and again.In almost each oppressive incident executed by CCP
on the people, such a trick is repeated again and again. "

Li Shanjian says, the CCP as a ruling group, have a mechanism,which always exploits the same excuse,to maintain stability and social order among the masses. It is merely a political objective and slogan.They have no consideration for the people, their values nor their lives.

Li Shanjian: "More people should be allowed to clearly identify such an evil essence as that of CCP. The existence of the CCP is the largest barrier
to China's future development.The CCP's past history, one of several decades,
has brought numerous disasters to the people of China.I think, if more people can realise this point, then they can take a stand and once and for all get rid of this evil."

April 4 netizen (Meihuo Chen) said on Weibo, :"According to international law,
there is no People's Republic of China,there is only Republic of China."
He also called for netizens to "speak loudly to Taiwanese people,that we are in enemy-occupied areas."

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ZhouPing Post-Production/LiYong