【新唐人2014年04月15日訊】胡耀邦忌日 網路紀念文未被刪
不過,一些評論人士認為,中共雖然在紀念胡耀邦方面的 態度比以前寬鬆,但並不代表中共對胡耀邦會有新的評價。
1989年4月15號胡耀邦去世後,民眾對他的悼念活動,發展為要求中共當局反腐與爭取民主的運動,最後導致了 「六四」天安門大屠殺事件。
因曹順利 中共取消與英國人權對話
廣東化州民眾,抵制政府在居民區附近,興建火葬場的抗議行動,繼續進行,4月14號行動升級,數千民眾罷工、罷課,聚集在化州市政府外抗議,當局出動數百警察暴力驅趕,當地村民說,有一人被打死,約十人受傷,另有近十人被抓走。但當地政府通過官方微博否認有死傷。不過,當局仍然嚴控輿論,在網路上封鎖消息,各大網站 丶論壇丶貼吧大量刪帖。
楊匡案開庭 多位維權人士被控制
The Anniversary of Hu Yaobang's Death
April 15 is the 25th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) General Secretary Hu Yaobang’s death.
The CCP did nothing unusual except it didn’t
delete the memorial articles on the internet.
A few days ago, the retired former CCP General Secretary
Hu Jintao visited the old home of Hu Yaobang.
This attracted the public’s attention on the day of the
1989 pro-democracy date.
However, some commentators believe it doesn’t mean the
CCP has a new evaluation of Hu Yaobang even if they can
tolerate more of his memory.
After Hu Yaobang’s death on April 15, 1989 public memorials
to him became a democracy movement of requesting anti-
corruption within the CCP and resulted in the June 4
Tiananmen Square massacre.
Chinese Communist Party Canceled UK Human Rights Talks
A Foreign Office spokesman told the Guardian newspaper:
"We are disappointed that the Chinese government this
week postponed the dialogue, due to take place on 16 April.”
The Tibet Society said in a blogpost that it understood China
didn’t agree with the agenda put forward by the UK and was
angered by the UK's role at the recent UN Human Rights
Council meeting about China's human rights record.
The UK is thought to have become involved in disputes
between China and NGOs at the meeting.
Chinese diplomats attempted to block a call by NGOs for a
minute's silence in memory of Cao Shunli, a Chinese rights
activist who died in custody on 14 March.
Citizens Upgraded Protests Against Buildingthe Crematorium
Guangdong peoples’ protests against the construction of a
crematorium close to the residential area continues.
On April 14, thousands of people went on strike and
gathered at the City government to protest.
The authorities deployed hundreds of police who were violent
towards the protestors.
There was one death, 10 injured and 10 arrested.
But the local government denied any casualties through
its official microblogging.
However, the authorities still strictly control the media,
blocking websites, Bulletin boards and deleting lots of posts.
Several Activists Were Restricted At Yang Kuang’s Trial
The case of Hong Diaoyu defender Yang Kuang’s illegal
crossing of the border is at trial on April 14 in Shenzhen
Nanshan District Court.
The judge said the sentence will be optional for the case.
Yang Kuang’s 70-year-old parents and his wife Liu Shasha
were allowed to attend the court.
Several Shenzhen activists were prohibited from supporting
Yang Kuang in the court.
Buddhist Miaojue Master was taken away by Nanshan
district police and no information was released.
Edit/Zhou Yulin
不過,一些評論人士認為,中共雖然在紀念胡耀邦方面的 態度比以前寬鬆,但並不代表中共對胡耀邦會有新的評價。
1989年4月15號胡耀邦去世後,民眾對他的悼念活動,發展為要求中共當局反腐與爭取民主的運動,最後導致了 「六四」天安門大屠殺事件。
因曹順利 中共取消與英國人權對話
廣東化州民眾,抵制政府在居民區附近,興建火葬場的抗議行動,繼續進行,4月14號行動升級,數千民眾罷工、罷課,聚集在化州市政府外抗議,當局出動數百警察暴力驅趕,當地村民說,有一人被打死,約十人受傷,另有近十人被抓走。但當地政府通過官方微博否認有死傷。不過,當局仍然嚴控輿論,在網路上封鎖消息,各大網站 丶論壇丶貼吧大量刪帖。
楊匡案開庭 多位維權人士被控制
The Anniversary of Hu Yaobang's Death
April 15 is the 25th anniversary of Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) General Secretary Hu Yaobang’s death.
The CCP did nothing unusual except it didn’t
delete the memorial articles on the internet.
A few days ago, the retired former CCP General Secretary
Hu Jintao visited the old home of Hu Yaobang.
This attracted the public’s attention on the day of the
1989 pro-democracy date.
However, some commentators believe it doesn’t mean the
CCP has a new evaluation of Hu Yaobang even if they can
tolerate more of his memory.
After Hu Yaobang’s death on April 15, 1989 public memorials
to him became a democracy movement of requesting anti-
corruption within the CCP and resulted in the June 4
Tiananmen Square massacre.
Chinese Communist Party Canceled UK Human Rights Talks
A Foreign Office spokesman told the Guardian newspaper:
"We are disappointed that the Chinese government this
week postponed the dialogue, due to take place on 16 April.”
The Tibet Society said in a blogpost that it understood China
didn’t agree with the agenda put forward by the UK and was
angered by the UK's role at the recent UN Human Rights
Council meeting about China's human rights record.
The UK is thought to have become involved in disputes
between China and NGOs at the meeting.
Chinese diplomats attempted to block a call by NGOs for a
minute's silence in memory of Cao Shunli, a Chinese rights
activist who died in custody on 14 March.
Citizens Upgraded Protests Against Buildingthe Crematorium
Guangdong peoples’ protests against the construction of a
crematorium close to the residential area continues.
On April 14, thousands of people went on strike and
gathered at the City government to protest.
The authorities deployed hundreds of police who were violent
towards the protestors.
There was one death, 10 injured and 10 arrested.
But the local government denied any casualties through
its official microblogging.
However, the authorities still strictly control the media,
blocking websites, Bulletin boards and deleting lots of posts.
Several Activists Were Restricted At Yang Kuang’s Trial
The case of Hong Diaoyu defender Yang Kuang’s illegal
crossing of the border is at trial on April 14 in Shenzhen
Nanshan District Court.
The judge said the sentence will be optional for the case.
Yang Kuang’s 70-year-old parents and his wife Liu Shasha
were allowed to attend the court.
Several Shenzhen activists were prohibited from supporting
Yang Kuang in the court.
Buddhist Miaojue Master was taken away by Nanshan
district police and no information was released.
Edit/Zhou Yulin