

中共黨媒《新華社》記者王文志,4月15號再次在他的新浪微博帳號上,實名舉報大陸央企「華潤集團」董事長宋林瀆職、造成巨額國有資產流失、涉嫌貪腐及包養情婦。與長微博一起發出的, 還有兩張宋林與一名年輕女性的親密照片。













Reporter Exposed China Resources Company Chairman Again

On April 15, The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) mouthpiece
Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Wenzhi – his real name –
again reported that CRC chairman Song Lin was corrupt.

Wang used his Sina Weibo account again to reveal Song's
actions causing huge state assets losses, his mistress and
alleged corruption.

There were also two photos of Song Ling with a young lady
attached to the report on the microblog.

Wang Wenzhi said he submitted new clues and evidence to
the Central Discipline Inspection Commission through the
network in an interview.

Wang Wenzhi reported Song Lin first in July 2013.

On April 16, Song Lin announced on the CRC website that
Wang Wenzhi's report was fabrication and malicious slander.

Currently, although there is no CCP official response; the
event has attracted international attention.

Still no Information About Two Supporters From Jiansanjiang

Illegally detained mainland lawyers and people in
Heilongjiang Jiansanjiang were released recently.
However, two supporters are still missing.

On April 16, mainland activists published an online missing
persons poster to launch a national search action.

The two missing people are Wuhan citizen Zhang Shiqing
and Shanxi citizen Li Fawang.
They were kidnapped by the police in Jiansanjiang and there
is no information on their whereabouts

Dongguan Yuyuan Shoe Factory Strike Continues to Grow.

Dongguan Yueyuan shoe factory strike triggered by labor
disputes started on April 5 and has lasted more than 10 days
with more and more participants joining in.

International Labour Organization who is concerned with the
incident said this is one of the largest recent Chinese strikes.

According to the report on April 16, the number of strikers
increased from 50 to 60 thousand including workers from
related companies.

Editor/zhou Yulin