【禁聞】上海鐵老大47情婦 劉志軍下令擺平













採訪/陳漢 編輯/張天宇 後製/鍾元

47 Mistresses: Director of Shanghai Railway Bureau Sex Scandal Exposed

Sex scandals have continued to be exposed within the
Chinese Communist Party's officialdom following the
exposing of Chongqing official Lei Zhengfu's sex videos.
Many big or small "tigers" have been
sacked because of having mistresses.
This mistress-focused anti-corruption campaign
has quickly became popular online in China.
Zhu Ruifeng, founder of the website 'rmjdw49.com',
which reports on official's scandals, exposed Lei Zhengfu.
Recently, Zhu reported on Long Jing, former Director
of Shanghai Railway Bureau, and his 47 mistresses.
This outnumbered Lei Zhengfu.

According to rmjdw49.com, former Shanghai Railway
Bureau Director, Long Jing, keeps dozens of mistresses
and has sexual relations with hundreds of women.
Three of them have given birth to his children.

Zhu Ruifeng told NTD that he has evidence,
including photos, videos, and sound recordings.
These materials mostly come
from insiders in the railway bureau.

Zhu Ruifeng: "They came from another railway
bureau director, and political opponent of Long Jing.
Maybe they were obtained through hackers, who pretended
to be the females chatting with Long Jing through QQ.
Then they copied all his pictures, naked
photos, messages and contact information.
Long Jing's QQ chat history was also available.
He has about 20 QQ numbers for chatting."

Long Jing was born in Yongxin, Jiangxi Province.
He has served at the Nanchang Railway Bureau,
Xi'an Railway Bureau, and Shanghai Railway Bureau.
He was dismissed in 2011, over
the 7.23 Wenzhou train collision.

Long Jing's 47 mistresses are mainly students, hawkers,
TV hosts and businesswomen, mostly born in the 70s or 80s.
He broke Liu Zhijun's record of 18 mistresses,
another official sacked from the railway system.
For 20 years, Long Jing and his mistresses' were seen
all over major hotels, restaurants, dance halls, saunas
and other entertainment centers in Jiangxi and Shanghai.
The railway systems called Long Jing
a breeding ass or seeding machine.

Zhu Ruifeng said that the women were mainly
involved for the money or for the promotion.
For example, several subordinates provided
lots of ladies to him in order to get promoted.
Over the years, more than a hundred
women were used by Long Jing.

Zhu Ruifeng: "These women are normally provided
by his subordinates within the railway system.
There are 47 ladies known from their
name, telephone number and identity card."

The rmjdw49.com has also cited the sources said that
Long Jing's promiscuous life could not hide from his wife.
Long Jing's ex-wife, Ms. Jiang, reported this activity
to the former Minister of Railways, Liu Zhijun.
However, she was only threatened.

Zhu Ruifeng: "His ex-wife called Liu Zhijun's
office using a red phone, the specific red
phone in China to report this evidence.
Liu Zhijun was shocked and tried to comfort her.
Then Liu Zhijun ordered Long Jing to settle his
ex-wife, otherwise Long Jing would be dismissed."

Long Jing used monitors, lobbying, and threats
to force his wife to give up on her appeal.
However, it became popular news
to everybody in the railway system.

The exposure of Long Jing's promiscuous
lifestyle has raised many discussions.
People either sighed towards Long Jing's despot lifestyle
or they were upset with the dark side of the railway system.
People also pointed out that Long Jing is only a
small reflection of the actions of numerous CCP officials.
This exposure is just because of retaliation by his opponents.
While those highly powerful CCP officials
continue with their promiscuous lifestyles.

Interview/Chen Han Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/Zhong Yuan