【禁聞】國家電網朱長林落馬 還有誰在顫抖?




當天,《華夏能源網 》刊發系列文章「顫抖的國家電網二」,其中提到﹕朱長林是4月17號後,中共審計署入駐「國家電網」後,國家電網系統被紀檢部門調查的第一位高管。文章發問,朱長林之後,「還有誰在顫抖呢?」

旅美中國問題評論人士李善鑒 :「一直有講他(朱長林)跟山東魯能集團,跟曾慶紅的兒子曾偉有不法交易。現在(朱)下馬被抓出來,肯定跟提拔他上去的,他所屬的政治集團,要說沒有關係,這是不可能的。從現在報導的情況來看,這個事情針對曾慶紅的可能性是比較大的。」





李善鑒 :「掌握中國經濟實體的實際權力的這些人,因為各種各樣的問題,被清理掉了。這是共產黨面臨的一個重要危機。因為貪腐這個事情,他處理的話,這些人都清空了,如果他不抓的話,那這些人確實在給中國國家經濟造成巨大損失。而且更重要的是這些人在中共政治集團你死我活的鬥爭中,他都會起作用的。」



旅美中國社會問題研究人士張健:「 在去年,(中紀委)最主要的精力放在石油系統,對以周永康家族控制的石油幫進行大面積整肅。今年風頭一轉,就到了電力系統。中紀委對電力系統的全面整肅,其最根本原因也並非是電力系統的貪污腐敗。因為中國的腐敗系統,在國有資源控制下,太多太多了。」


5月1號,《人民網》轉發北京《京華時報 》文章——「李春城被雙開標誌串案收官」。文章暗示,李春城背後的「大老虎」周永康,不是終極目標。

採訪/朱智善 編輯/王子琦 後製/蕭宇

Zhu Changlin Sacked, Who's Next?

Zhu Changlin, Assistant General Manager of the State Grid
Corporation of China and member of the CPPCC National
Committee, was recently investigated, creating public
concern for the power struggle behind it.
Analysis say it shows that the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) anti-corruption campaign has expanded from the
local level to the state level in the power system.
Now Zhu is sacked, who else is next?
Let's see the report.

55 year-old Zhu Changlin was transferred to be director
and party secretary of the North China Grid in 2013.
He also serves as the assistant general manager
at the National Grid of China Corporation.

Mainland media Caixin reported that Zhu was investigated
on May 7.
The report says Zhu, head of the power system in Sichuan
for 7 years, had close ties with sacked former provincial
deputy secretary Li Chuncheng and sacked former deputy
provincial governor Guo Yongxiang, also from Sichuan.
Those two were both confidants of former secretary of
the Politics and Law Committee Zhou Yongkang.

When Sinoergy.com published the article "Trembling State
Grid", it mentioned that Zhu is the first high executive in the
state power system to be investigated by the discipline
inspection department since April 17.
This is when the CCP Audit Commission
came to the State Grid.

Li Shanjian, China affairs commentator in the U.S.: "There
are rumors that Zhu had illegal payments with Shandong
Luneng Group and Zeng Qinghong's son Zeng Wei.
Zhu was arrested, certainly related to the political group
he is in and to whoever promoted him.
It's impossible for it not to have a connection to
this group of people.
Based on the reports so far, the case is highly likely
to be targeting Zeng Qinghong."

Hua Po, Beijing politics watcher: "Zhou Yongkang is the
major target in the oil system.
For the water system, Li Peng can't be excluded. I think,
for soil and so on, it's also related to Zeng Qinghong.
Zeng visited the Three Gorges at the Yangtze River in
2006, and promised to give thousands yuan every year
for 20 years to each person who moved away.
Why did he do that? There must be interest involved."

CCP mouthpiece People's Daily reported on April 30, saying
the state audit commission dispatched hundreds of staff from
5 special offices to the grid company from April 17, to target
auditing Liu Zhenya, the chairman of the company.

Media revealed that Liu offered tens of billions of yuan to
former Politburo Standing Committee member Zeng
Qinghong's family through the Shandong Luneng incident.
Liu was Zeng's trusted aide.

U.S. based Epoch Times newspaper quoted analysis
from China issues expert Liu Xiaohui.
The report says Zhu and Liu had close ties. Under Liu's
support, Zhu was promoted to work in Beijing.
Zhu is now investigated, not only leading to more
corruption insider stories of Zhou Yongkang's family,
but also leading to more insider stories of how Liu
transferred benefits to Zeng Qinghong's family.

Li Shanjian: "Those controlling the power of China's
economic entities have been cleaned out for different reasons.
The CCP is facing a significant crisis, because if it deals
with corruption, all the people would be gone.
If it doesn't arrest those people, they indeed cause
huge losses to China's economy.
What's more important is that those people can influence
the power struggle of the CCP."

Before Zhu's downfall, three other officials in the power
system were sacked.
These included Wu Zhouchun, general manager of
Guangdong Grid Corporation; Hao Weiping,
director of the Nuclear Power Division of the National
Energy Administration, and; Ma Linguo, director of
the power supply bureau in Yinchuan City of Ningxia
Autonomous Region.

State-run Zhengzhou Evening News in Henan Province says
Zhu's case shows the anti-corruption campaign in the power
system has already been raised to the state level.

Zhang Jian, China social issues researcher in the U.S. said:
"The anti-corruption campaign last year focused on rectifying
the oil system controlled by Zhou Yongkang's family.
The focus transferred to the power system this year.
The corruption in the power system is not the fundamental
issue, because China's corruption system is too rampant
as the state owns the resources."

Caixin published an article "Record of Li Chuncheng's
Path in Sichuan" on May 4.
This pointed out that the central CCP are completing the
investigations of a series of major cases involving mafia
and corruption.
More truths about the cases will surface in the future.

The People's Daily reproduced an article from Beijing Times
on May 1 titled "The Dismissal of Li Chuncheng Wraps Up
the Series of Cases".

This gives a hint that Zhou Yongkang who is supporting
behind Li is not the CCP's final target.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/Wang Ziqi Post-Production/Xiao Yu