【新唐人2014年05月20日訊】最近幾年,大陸新疆地區連續發生暴力流血事件,對此中共當局不斷加大維穩力度,造成新疆局勢日益緊張。日前,中共官媒首次發佈消息聲稱,此前發生的4.30烏魯木齊火車爆炸事件是「東突恐怖組織」所為。但輿論對此多持懷疑態度,有分析認為,當局的說法有混淆視線,掩人耳目的嫌疑。也有人權組織指出,當局是在藉「 反恐」這個理由,進一步加強對新疆的管制。
中共喉舌媒體《新華社》5月18號發佈消息說,今年4月30號發生在新疆烏魯木齊火車站的爆炸事件,是一起境外指揮,境內實施的所謂「嚴重暴力恐怖性質」的爆炸襲擊案。而「罪魁禍首」是 「東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動」恐怖組織(東伊運)。
中共外交部發言人華春瑩,14號公開「譴責」所謂的「暴恐事件」。迪裡夏提認為,當局有意誇大「 東突」恐怖組織的威脅,目地是為了轉移視線,誤導輿論。
迪裡夏提:「它這樣高調的報導,一是煽動民族主義,那麼由於現在中國涉及到越南問題,越南在排斥中國人,中國的這些媒體在冷處理,低調處理。這種情況下,網民通過各種關係獲取更多的資訊。那麼在這種情況下,高調的宣傳烏魯木齊的爆炸跟境外有關係, 也是為了轉移目前網民一系列的注意力,來維護北京的利益。所以選擇這種情況下高調宣傳,它是有不可告人的目地。」
此外,自去年以來,新疆地區多次發生暴力流血事件,對此中共當局一直對外聲稱是「境外分裂勢力」和 「東突恐怖組織」所為,並嚴格控制大陸媒體和輿論。每次事件發生後,當局往往第一時間封鎖消息,禁止媒體以及目擊者公開事件現場視頻、照片或發表言論,並要求各大媒體必須按照官方統一口徑報導,這些做法都在不斷的加重著外界的質疑。
採訪/林莉 編輯/張天宇 後製/蕭宇
CCP Blames the ETIM in Xinjiang Blast
The Chinese regime's intensified stability maintenance after
the violence and bloodshed in Xinjiang is raising tensions
in the region.
The Chinese Communist media is blaming the East Turkestan
Islamic Movement (ETIM) for the April 30 attack at a train
station in Urumqi.
Critics are skeptical about the claim, and say the regime
is intentionally trying to confuse and deceive.
Rights organizations say the regime is stepping up control
measures in Xinjiang in the name of anti-terrorism.
Communist party mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency reports
that last month's explosion in an Urumqi railway station
was a terrorist attack planned outside China, by the ETIM.
Global Times, another regime mouthpiece, reported that
Xinjiang police had arrested seven suspects on May 14.
They are relatives of Saderdin Sawut,
the suspect who was killed in the explosion.
Xinhua reported that suspects had collaborated
with ETIM members in this attack.
An Islamist militant group called the Turkistan Islamic Party
(TIP), which China equates with the ETIM, has claimed
responsibility for the attack in a 10-minute long video on
the website of Search for International Terrorist Entities
Intelligence Group (SITE), which tracks Islamist militants.
The authenticity of the claim
and the video by the TIP is questioned.
Dilixiati, World Uyghur Congress spokesman: "I saw the
video released by the TIP.
The video gave no direct evidence as to who's responsible for
the attack. I have many doubts about this organization."
Deutsche Welle reports that many human rights organizations
say there is little concrete evidence
that the group had carried out the attack.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying
publicly condemned the so-called violent terrorist incident
on the 14th.
Dilixiati says that the regime has deliberately exaggerated
the threat of the ETIM to mislead and to divert attention.
Dilixiati: "Such a high-profile report is used
to incite nationalism for one.
The conflict with Vietnam has resulted in the exclusion of
Chinese in Vietnam, which was handled in a low-key way.
However, netizens are able to learn more from the Internet.
The high-profile report of the Urumqi explosion outside China
will therefore divert the attention of the Internet users, and
thus Beijing's interests are safeguarded.
An unspeakable agenda hides behind the high-profile publicity."
Several incidents of violent bloodshed have taken place
in Xinjiang since last year.
The Communist regime has routinely blamed foreign
separatist forces and the ETIM for the attacks,
and strictly controlled any media reports.
The authorities have regularly blocked the news, video, photos
or speech from witnesses about the incidents, and demanded
uniform reports by domestic media, thus aggravating
suspicions from the international community.
Dilixiati: "The regime has routinely shirked their
responsibilities to outside forces for any protests and accidents
triggered by people's discontent of the regime policies.
Beijing publicizes overseas support of the domestic violence.
However, I believe the Uyghur's issues in lives and politics
should be dealt with in a more objective and rational manner
in order to alleviate the volatile situation."
Human rights organizations blame Beijing for using the ETIM
as an excuse to impose repressive policies on Uyghurs.
Dilixiati says that the regime must stop its discriminatory
and repressive policies against the Uyghurs to
resolve the situation in Xinjiang.
Otherwise, facing the threat of life and death, the Uyghurs
will fight back. Any provocation could lead to conflict.
Interview/Lin Li Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/Xiao Yu
中共喉舌媒體《新華社》5月18號發佈消息說,今年4月30號發生在新疆烏魯木齊火車站的爆炸事件,是一起境外指揮,境內實施的所謂「嚴重暴力恐怖性質」的爆炸襲擊案。而「罪魁禍首」是 「東突厥斯坦伊斯蘭運動」恐怖組織(東伊運)。
中共外交部發言人華春瑩,14號公開「譴責」所謂的「暴恐事件」。迪裡夏提認為,當局有意誇大「 東突」恐怖組織的威脅,目地是為了轉移視線,誤導輿論。
迪裡夏提:「它這樣高調的報導,一是煽動民族主義,那麼由於現在中國涉及到越南問題,越南在排斥中國人,中國的這些媒體在冷處理,低調處理。這種情況下,網民通過各種關係獲取更多的資訊。那麼在這種情況下,高調的宣傳烏魯木齊的爆炸跟境外有關係, 也是為了轉移目前網民一系列的注意力,來維護北京的利益。所以選擇這種情況下高調宣傳,它是有不可告人的目地。」
此外,自去年以來,新疆地區多次發生暴力流血事件,對此中共當局一直對外聲稱是「境外分裂勢力」和 「東突恐怖組織」所為,並嚴格控制大陸媒體和輿論。每次事件發生後,當局往往第一時間封鎖消息,禁止媒體以及目擊者公開事件現場視頻、照片或發表言論,並要求各大媒體必須按照官方統一口徑報導,這些做法都在不斷的加重著外界的質疑。
採訪/林莉 編輯/張天宇 後製/蕭宇
CCP Blames the ETIM in Xinjiang Blast
The Chinese regime's intensified stability maintenance after
the violence and bloodshed in Xinjiang is raising tensions
in the region.
The Chinese Communist media is blaming the East Turkestan
Islamic Movement (ETIM) for the April 30 attack at a train
station in Urumqi.
Critics are skeptical about the claim, and say the regime
is intentionally trying to confuse and deceive.
Rights organizations say the regime is stepping up control
measures in Xinjiang in the name of anti-terrorism.
Communist party mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency reports
that last month's explosion in an Urumqi railway station
was a terrorist attack planned outside China, by the ETIM.
Global Times, another regime mouthpiece, reported that
Xinjiang police had arrested seven suspects on May 14.
They are relatives of Saderdin Sawut,
the suspect who was killed in the explosion.
Xinhua reported that suspects had collaborated
with ETIM members in this attack.
An Islamist militant group called the Turkistan Islamic Party
(TIP), which China equates with the ETIM, has claimed
responsibility for the attack in a 10-minute long video on
the website of Search for International Terrorist Entities
Intelligence Group (SITE), which tracks Islamist militants.
The authenticity of the claim
and the video by the TIP is questioned.
Dilixiati, World Uyghur Congress spokesman: "I saw the
video released by the TIP.
The video gave no direct evidence as to who's responsible for
the attack. I have many doubts about this organization."
Deutsche Welle reports that many human rights organizations
say there is little concrete evidence
that the group had carried out the attack.
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying
publicly condemned the so-called violent terrorist incident
on the 14th.
Dilixiati says that the regime has deliberately exaggerated
the threat of the ETIM to mislead and to divert attention.
Dilixiati: "Such a high-profile report is used
to incite nationalism for one.
The conflict with Vietnam has resulted in the exclusion of
Chinese in Vietnam, which was handled in a low-key way.
However, netizens are able to learn more from the Internet.
The high-profile report of the Urumqi explosion outside China
will therefore divert the attention of the Internet users, and
thus Beijing's interests are safeguarded.
An unspeakable agenda hides behind the high-profile publicity."
Several incidents of violent bloodshed have taken place
in Xinjiang since last year.
The Communist regime has routinely blamed foreign
separatist forces and the ETIM for the attacks,
and strictly controlled any media reports.
The authorities have regularly blocked the news, video, photos
or speech from witnesses about the incidents, and demanded
uniform reports by domestic media, thus aggravating
suspicions from the international community.
Dilixiati: "The regime has routinely shirked their
responsibilities to outside forces for any protests and accidents
triggered by people's discontent of the regime policies.
Beijing publicizes overseas support of the domestic violence.
However, I believe the Uyghur's issues in lives and politics
should be dealt with in a more objective and rational manner
in order to alleviate the volatile situation."
Human rights organizations blame Beijing for using the ETIM
as an excuse to impose repressive policies on Uyghurs.
Dilixiati says that the regime must stop its discriminatory
and repressive policies against the Uyghurs to
resolve the situation in Xinjiang.
Otherwise, facing the threat of life and death, the Uyghurs
will fight back. Any provocation could lead to conflict.
Interview/Lin Li Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/Xiao Yu