
【新唐人2014年05月20日訊】 美國以網路間諜罪起訴中共軍人



這五名中共軍方人員都是中共61398部隊第3支隊成員,分別是(音譯)孫凱良(Sun Kailiang)、黃鎮宇(Huang Zhenyu)、文新宇(Wen Xinyu)、王東(Wang Dong),以及顧春暉(Gu Chunhui)。






緬甸開礦 兩中國員工遭綁架





六四25週年臨近 中共持續抓人



U.S. Accused Chinese Communist Party Military
of Cyber-spying.

The U.S. charged five Chinese military officers with economic
espionage linked to computer hacking of American nuclear
power, metals and solar companies, etc.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced the
accusations at the press conference in the morning.
This was the first public accusation that employees of an
overseas government committed cybercrimes in the U.S..
After the prosecution was announced, the relevant Chinese
officers became internationally apprehended suspects.

The five Chinese Communist military staff are Sun Kailiang,
Huang Zhenyu, Wen Xinyu, Wang Dong and Gu Chunhui.
They were officers in Unit 61398 of the Third Department of
the Chinese People』s Liberation Army (PLA).

The FBI website announced the list of five Chinese military
people with their photos.

Vietnam Store Fire at The Sino-Vietnamese Border Was
Suspected Revenge by Arson.

The anti-China demonstrations in Vietnam have
nearly subsided.
The public criticized the Chinese Communist Party』s (CCP)
cold response to the critical situation and stepping up the
overseas Chinese evacuations during stable conditions.

Meanwhile, the damage caused by anti-China demonstrations
manifested as violent counterattacks by Chinese citizens.
According to RFA』s report, the Vietnamese stores located at
Puzhai border trade zone at the China-Vietnam border were
destroyed by fire.

Some netizens told reporters that probably someone vented
their anger by carrying out arson attacks when Vietnamese
killed Chinese citizens.

However, the Puzhai border trade zone Commission denies
the arson was due to retaliation.

Two Chinese Workers Kidnapped at Myanmar Mining.

Two Chinese employees who developed the copper project
in Myanmar were kidnapped by local activists on May 18.
The purpose of the kidnappers is to stop
Chinese mining companies.

On May 19, the Myanmar Wanbao Mining spokesman told
British Reuters that two Chinese contractors and a Myanmar
colleague were abducted the previous day.

The Burmese was released quickly.

Wanbao Mining Limited is part of Chinese arms manufacturer
China North Industries Corporation.

The kidnappers threatened that if Chinese mining companies
don』t immediately stop the operation, the two employees are
likely to be harmed.

According to the report, the mining is 100 kilometers away
from the major city in central Myanmar, Mandalay.
Local residents have held several protests against this project.

They said that thousands of acres of land have been
illegally confiscated in order to expand the copper mine.

25th Anniversary of June 4 is Approaching. Arrests Continue.

As the 25th anniversary of June 4th approaches, the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) continues to arrest activists.
Human rights lawyers Tang Jingling, and Pu Zhiqiang were
detained from May 17 to 19.
Wuhan Democrats Qin Yongmin couple, Shenyang activists
Sun Haiyang, Guangdong Zhongshan University professor
Ai Xiaoming, and others were missing or taken by police.

Their friends believe their detention was related to the
close date of June 4th.

Edit/Zhou Yulin