【禁聞】中共軍機逼近日本戰機 日指中恐嚇

【新唐人2014年05月26日訊】中共軍機逼近日本戰機 日指中恐嚇













Chinese Military Aircraft Approached Japanese Fighter Planes

On May 24, two Chinese Communist Party (CCP) military
aircraft approached two Japanese fighter aircraft less than
50 meters off the East China Sea.

It was the first time the CCP planes came so unusually close
to the Japanese Self Defense Forces (SDF) planes.

On May 25, the Japanese Defense Minister said the CCP's
action might cause an accident.
Japan has made representations to the CCP.

Japanese Defense Minister Onodera called the Chinese actions
The CCP alleged that Japan interfered with the Sino-Russian
military exercises.

U.S. May Keep Chinese Hackers Out of Defcon Hacker

U.S. officials are considering using visa restrictions preventing
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) hackers attending two popular
hacker conferences.

These include Defcon hacker and Black Hat conference in
Las Vegas in August.
Reuters said it is part of a broad effort to curb
Chinese cyber espionage.

However, both conference organizers believe that restricting
CCP hackers will not make any difference because Congress
has videos about all discussions to sell openly afterwards.

The Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. officials said if
the CCP does not restrict commercial hacker invasion, the
U.S. government would consider other options.

These including releasing additional evidence showing how
the hackers conducted their alleged operations, and imposing
other business and financial restrictions on those indicted or
people or organizations associated with them.

Overseas Democracy Appealed to Participate in The June 4

On May 25, Overseas Chinese Democracy Coalition and other
pro-democracy organizations appealed to overseas people to
participate in the 25th anniversary commemoration of June 4.

This will be held by the Chinese Students and Scholars
Association of Autonomy at the Chinese embassy on May 31.

According to Voice of America, human right activists from
China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Tibetan community, Japan,
Vietnam, other Asian countries and those supporting Chinese
democracy and freedom will give speeches.
The Memorial will be synchronized across the world,
especially to China live via the Internet.

The report says this year, there is a plan to start an overseas
pro-democracy organization of a series of June 4 campaigns,
one of the biggest events.
