【禁聞】招遠命案 官方邪教說辭 引發批判
















採訪/朱智善 編輯/陳潔 後製/舒燦

The Official Cult Rhetoric Zhaoyuan Murder Triggered Criticism

Recently, a homicide case occurred in a fast-food restaurant
in Shandong Zhaoyuan City.
A female customer was beaten to death by 6 people because
she refused to provide her mobile number in the store.
Three days later, Zhaoyuan police claimed the six suspects are
cult members which people said was a frame-up.

It’s said that a guy asked a stranger lady for the mobile number
and was refused in a fast-food restaurant across from the police
station around 21.00 of May 28.

The guy pushed the lady to the ground and with other five people
kicked her head, also hit her head with a mop until the lady
died screaming.

May 29 morning, Zhaoyuan Public Security Bureau official
microblog claimed Mr. Zhang had an altercation with Ms
Wu in the fast food restaurant and injured Ms Wu with 5 other
people beating her, resulting in Ms Wu’s death because of
ineffective rescue.

This notification was quickly forwarded and got 370,000
comments by May 31st morning.
Almost all the comments expressed hatred of the local police’s
obvious cover up of the murder.

For instance: “The woman was actually molested, but was said to be involved in quarrel.” “She was beaten to death at the scene, but was said to experience Aineffective rescue?”
Some also said there might a professional criminal law expert
behind it because of Zhaoyuan Public Security Bureau’s accurate
word usage.

A bald man among the six suspects is gold mine owner, Zhang
Lidong who was identified by netizens in a human-powered search.
He has an imported sports car and was extorted by the Zhaoyuan
police chief Sun Baodong for a long time.
He also mastered a lot of crime evidence for Sun Baodong and
is under the umbrella of Sun Baodong.

May 31, Zhaoyuan police official microblog claimed that these
six suspects are members of the cult Eastern Lighting who
wanted to get new members by asking for telephone numbers
in the fast food restaurant.
They would be attacked after refusing.
The police started the so-called special action to combat cults.

Some netizens said it’s a good way for the local officials to be
safe by diverting public attention in the name of cult.
They turned the trouble into a little one and the little one into none at all!

Some netizens said if killing the people is for missionizing,
who can believe? Isn’t it self-defeating?

Shanxi netizen Ms. Wang: "This is entirely a religious frame-up
and similar to the persecution of Falun Gong.
Falun Gong is Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
They do not participate in politics and only stick to their beliefs.
But the Communist Party fabricated the Tiananmen Square
self-immolation case to frame up Falun Gong, then suppress it publicly."

A teacher from the University of Western Sydney posted on mainland
Weibo: There is a religion. It used to be if you rejected it,
disbelieved it, questioned its leader
and doctrine, or accidentally broke the leader’s photo,
you would have been labeled as anti-revolution.
Now, if you intend to oppose, question or supervise it,
it will be labeled as “provocation”.
Some said this religion is making progress.
My question is whether it is a cult?

This post was quickly deleted but can be found from free
microblog in the microblogging decryption website of dynamic

Shanxi netizen Ms. Wang: "From people’s real life, the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) is undoubtedly the biggest cult.
For example, demolition, killing and injuring people, as
well as urban management officers beating, digging up people’s
cemetery and other bad things are basically done by Communist
Party officials.
Recently, Weibo has announced that Ukraine
will conduct a public trial of the Communists.
If the CCP is not a cult, why does Ukraine do a public trial?
It proved that it is the biggest cult. "

Beijing Song Zhuang poet Wang Zang: "I had a critical attitude
on the various official views about this attack on a lady because
they are the real cult, the real-terrorism.

There is no bottom line for the authorities to maintain stability in
the name of anti-terrorism and the suppression of a cult."

According to the video uploaded by witnesses, there were lot of
people at the scene but no one stopped it.
Mainland media people Xin Haiguang said, it is our country’s
sorrow that no one is courageous.
Under the CCP's rule, China's social conscience became
hopeless and everyone will be a victim in the long run."

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ShuChan