【禁聞】網掀「倒共」輿論潮 QQ建數千群

【新唐人2014年06月10日訊】網掀「倒共」輿論潮 QQ建數千群





結束被軟禁 重返天安門






國企3千工人罷工 扣押3負責人





Using QQ Online Groups, Netziens Start Waves of
Anti-Communist Sentiment

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Internet control has
become more and more strict recently.
However, this control still cannot stop the voices of anti-
communism from being heard over and over again

According to the Epoch Times news on June 9, there are
thousands of anti-communist groups using QQ.
This is the instant messaging software from Tencent, a
mainland website used despite the strict CCP control.
It shows that mainland netizens have raised a tidal wave of
public opinion against the CCP through the QQ network.

Apparently you can find many thousands of groups on QQ,
which netziens are searching for e.g.;
7780 groups under anti-communism; 6620 groups to recover
the Republic of China;
3627 groups related to Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek;
3625 groups related to the Chinese National People's Party
of Republic of China, and,
3624 groups on the Republic of China
searching for Tencent QQ.

On June 8, during mainland college entrance examinations, the
undergraduate enrollment website of Guangdong University of
Technology was left a message by hackers ”Welcoming
interested students to the new anti-communist industry major.”
The hacker uploaded the screenshot of that page to the
Internet, which was then widely forwarded around.

Hu Jia Returns to Tiananmen After House Arrest Finally Ends

Well-known Beijing activist Hu Jia was allowed to go free on
June 8th after 104 days of house arrest.

According to a report by the BBC Chinese network, Hu Jia
watched the movie “Return” with his parents that day.
It was the first time he could watch movies with his parents
in the past 30 years.

Hu Jia, an initiator of the 25th Anniversary of June 4 “Return
to Tiananmen Campaign” couldn’t get there on June 4th.
8 days later, he finally took a picture at the front of Tiananmen
wearing a black T shirt with the slogan of the campaign on it.

However, Hu Jia doesn’t feel he is truly free as the authorities
may repeat the house arrest at any time for any reason.
Hu Jia was banned from leaving home for 14 days in January
before being placed under house arrest again a second time.

3,000 Striking Workers Detain Three Factory Directors

Sichuan Xichang New Steel Co., Ltd, the subsidiary of state-
owned Panzhihua Group recently had an outbreak of strikes.
More than 3,500 workers due to be laid-off, protested at the
unfair compensation package.
They hung up banners inside and outside the factory, then
detained 3 of the factory directors .

According to a Radio Free Asia report on June 6th, officials

On June 9, the Xichang mayor met the striking workers with
some officials, but there was no clear solution.
The factory said they will make everything clear to the
workers on June 20.

Edit/Zhou Yulin