





《環時》批香港公投 自揭瘡疤成笑柄







Tang Jitian sues Jiansanjiang Public Security Bureau

On June 21, mainland lawyer Tang Jitian began a lawsuit
in Heilongjiang high court.

He is suing the Jiansanjiang Agricultural Reclamation Public
Security Bureau for suffering15 days of illegal detention .

On June 23, Tang Jitian published the indictment online.
He titled it "Rectify the unjust case by banning torture".

The indictment includes compensation for his economic loss
from the Bureau and an apology through the national media.

Tang Jitian was detained for 15 days on March 20 2014 for
requesting the release of illegally detained Falun Gong
practitioners in the Jiansanjiang Qinglongshan brainwashing
class along with practitioners' family members.

He suffered torture during detention and was diagnosed in

He suffered10 broken ribs, broken teeth, and bruises on chest
and legs, lung shadows and tuberculosis in the lumbar vertebra.

Tang Jitian's indictment attracted public attention and he
has since received a lot of support.

Anhui dissident Shen Liangqing said Jiansanjiang police
need to be investigated for intentional assault.

They illegally detain and torture people.

The Global Times Became Laughingstock By Uncovering Its
Own Scar to Criticize the Hong Kong Referendum

In recent days, the Hong Kong referendum for universal
suffrage has seen a rising momentum.

According to reports, by 7pm of June 23 over 720 thousand
people voted through the electronic voting system.

The magazine Global Times part of the People's Daily, a
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media published a strongly
worded editorial claiming the referendum is a farce, game.
It also said numbers of votes will be less than 1.3 billion.

The Global Times' remarks immediately caused amusement
from mainland citizens.

Someone said "I am one of the 1.3 billion people, who was
represented without a vote."

Another user said "I support the Hong Kong referendum!

I respect the democratic aspirations of Hong Kong people!
Do mention 1.3 billion people; I am not included!"

Some people laughed that 1.3 billion Chinese people
have no right to determine their own fate;

Trying to decide the fate of Hong Kong people, really funny.
Some even asked “Dare Beijing let 1.3 billion people vote?"

Some people had banners on the street negating the
Global Times article

Mainland Chinese Stand up to Support The Referendum.

Mainland Human Rights Defenders reported, that mainland
Chinese supported Hong Kong people by taking to the streets.

The mainland people had placards with slogans.

Their slogans said "Hong Kong's fate should be decided by
Hong Kong people, not the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)."

The CCP was from the Soviet Union and should go back to
the Soviet Union!" and,

The referendum is Hong Kong internal affairs;

Hong Kong people have the right to determine their own
destiny and ban the Russian remarks!"

"Support Hong Kong peoples' independent choice".
