【禁聞】導彈擊落馬航 中共為俄羅斯開脫














採訪編輯/秦雪 後製/葛雷

Chinese Communist Party Tries to Deny Russia's
Responsibilities in MH17.

US Secretary of State John Kerry said on Sunday evidence
shows MH17 was hit by a missile provided by Russia.
The Australian Prime Minister strongly condemned
Russia for the crime of "trampling of justice."
However, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media have
tried to distance Russia from the responsibility.
After the UN Security Council reached an agreement to
investigate the crash on Monday, pro-Russian rebels in
eastern Ukraine handed over the two black boxes of MH17
on Tuesday and gave passenger remains to the Netherlands.

The UN Security Council passed a resolution on Monday
condemning the MH17 aircraft attack with a missile.
They want a "comprehensive, thorough and independent
international investigation".
This resolution proposed by Australia called for prosecution
of those in charge of the event's responsibility.
They "require all countries to cooperate fully
with the work of accountability".

US Secretary of State Kerry said, the US had detected an
increasing amount of heavy weaponry crossing with fighters
from Russia into the Ukraine, including tanks, armored
personnel carriers, artillery, and multiple rocket launchers.

Kerry said in an interview with CNN that the
US intercepted conversations about Russians
sending SA11 missiles to the rebels. A SA11
missile was used in shooting down the MH17.

While leaders of the US, Europe and Australia are severely
criticizing Russia for its responsibility in the destruction of
MH17, CCP Xinhua News Agency said that US accusations
of Russia as responsible are not founded on evidence.
On July 21 CCP People's Daily published an article claiming
that no evidence has been found to clarify or determine the
cause of the crash. It did not mention the possible training of
the pro-Russian rebels using the missile to shoot down MH17.

Former People's Daily reporter Guang Yan said,
China and Russia are brothers and comrades.
They are consistent in each event because of common

Guang Yuan pointed out the CCP has forgotten that the
biggest criminal to rob China of its land is Russia.

Guang Yuan, "looking at our history of the past several
hundred years, the Northern bear has always been watching us.
I think we need to defend ourselves from Russia.
Russia invaded us the most.
The CCP criticizes the US, but they did not occupy our land.
The US helped China during World War II against Japan."

Australia's Sydney Morning Herald reported on July 21,
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott criticized Russia;
"The bullying of small countries by big ones, the trampling of
justice and decency in the pursuit of national aggrandizement
and reckless indifference to human life should have no place
in our world."

Opposition leader Tony Abbott visited Beijing in 2012, and
talked about the CCP's behavior in South China Sea.
He said, "no big country is entitled to get its way with
smaller countries just because it can."
This remark was to CCP Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi.

The crisis in the Ukraine has made the CCP put itself
in an awkward position in international society.
The CCP may soon face the dilemma of foreign policy.

Chinese security analysts Gao Feng wrote, "for Beijing
authorities, the problem is which side to choose.
No doubt, a vague gesture from Beijing
will face criticism and moral pressure."

On July 22, Alexander Borodai, Eastern Ukraine rebel leader
in Donetsk handed over the black box to Malaysian officials.
Experts pointed out that black box records will provide the
exact time of the accident, the aircraft's altitude and position,
and the cockpit recordings of conversations. It is expected to
provide more clues for the cause of the crash.

The train with bodies of MH17 passengers left the pro-
Russian control area and arrived at Kharkiv.

Soldiers were stationed around the train station.

Interfax Ukraine News Agency said the bodies of victims
will then be transferred to Malyshev tank factory.
From there, the bodies will be put on the refrigeration
equipment provided by the Netherlands.

Interview & Edit/QingXue Post-Production/GeLei