【禁聞】莎車暴力事件現兩版本 真相誰握?




總部位於德國慕尼黑的「世界維吾爾大會」發言人阿裡木(Alim Seytoff)駁斥了中共官方的報導。




8月3號,網友「Dun Hun」在互聯網社交平臺「推特」上分享一篇翻譯稿,翻譯稿的原文是莎車縣當地維吾爾人寫的。








採訪/陳漢 編輯/陳潔 後製/李勇

China's Announcement on the Shache Violence Refuted by WUC

A serious violent terrorist attack occurred in Shache County,
Xinjiang on July 28.
Five days after the incident, China officially released
the number of casualties,
referring to the case as a vicious terrorist attack
due to “the collusion of domestic and foreign
terrorist organizations.”

But it was refuted by the World Uyghur Congress (WUC).

On August 2, the Xinjiang authorities announced
that the violence occurred in Shache County, Kashi Prefecture on July 28,
in which 37 were killed, 13 were injured and 31 vehicles
were smashed, including six of them being burned.
The Authorities also said that 59 were killed, 215 were arrested,
and some "Jihad" banners, machetes, axes and other tools for
criminal purposes were seized during the enforcement operation.

It was reported that the syndicate headed by Noor Mohammad
colluded with the East Turkistan Islamic Movement
in foreign countries,

with intent to assault the government offices and police station
in the town of Elixku,
burning the cars intercepted and those parked along roadsides,
beheading people at random.

Headquartered in Munich, Germany, the World Uyghur
Congress spokesman Alim Seytoff, refuted the reports
covered by China's state-owned media outlets.

Alim: "Uyghurs in Shache County were furious
about the Chinese authorities' high-pressure crackdown
on them during the Ramadan.
After they learned that a Uyghur family was bloodily massacred,
they took to the streets.
Then Chinese police began to carry out a mass killing by firing
at protesters with machine-guns.
What we learned is that about one or two thousand
people were killed.
The heavily armed Chinese police forces raided three villages.
As there were many Uyghurs in these villages, they used armored
vehicles, SWAT agents and armed police to carry out the massacre
against unarmed Uyghurs."

According to Deutsche Welle, on July 28, some netizens
received a message sent by a China Unicom's user,
revealing, all Unicom's Internet users and mobile phone users
in Shache County were subject to communication control.
Many users also confirmed that martial law was
implemented in Shache.

U.S.-based commentator Xing Tianxing: "CCP has long
covered up the truth with lies by hook or by crook.
No matter it was the June 4th massacre or the persecution of
Falun Gong practitioners in recent years, victims knew
how it came about.
Not only did the regime cover up the truths, they also defamed
those victims with various approaches.
So outsiders cannot know what the real truth is."

On August 3, Netizen Dun Hun shared on Twitter, the translation
of an article written by a Uyghur in Shache County.

It states, on July 28, women and children at the 14th, 15th and
16th Villages, West Elixku Town in Shache County got together,
trying to chant Buddhist scriptures on the last night
of Ramadan.
Heavily armed soldiers broke into the room, massacring
over 50 women and children.
The armed forces had left when male family members
returned home.
The angry local people thus marched with corpses
to demonstrate at the police station and
township government.

But they were arrested in the name of assaulting
the police station.
That night, Yi Mamu, a Uyghur in the village went to
three or four nearby villages, informing the
people there to fight back.

After learning the information, the authorities thus carried
out the bloody massacre.

Three villages were bombed.

After killing residents of these three villages, the police and
armed forces proceeded to other several villages nearby to
carry out the massacre,
frenziedly arresting people in several townships.
Unrecognizable corpses were transported with dump trucks.

Some heads and arms fell down from the trucks. Some were
arrested after they collected the remains and buried them.
It was estimated that the death toll amounted
to three and five thousand.
Three Uyghur police officers were also shot due to leaking
confidential information.

It is reported that Zhang Chunxian, Politburo member and
Xingjian Uyghur Autonomous Regional Party Secretary,
said they'd wanted to fight for their reputation, so as to eradicate
the "three evil forces."

Alim: "Whenever this kind of violent incident happens,
the first thing CCP does, is to block information.
The second thing was that they used Xinhua News Agency as
the only channel to cover the incidents so as to deceive people
in China and those in other parts of the world.
They attributed all faults to Uyghurs, and said that the
Chinese government is now faced with the so-called three forces
or Uyghur terrorist problem.
They regard unarmed Uyghurs as terrorists. In fact, it is China's
police and armed forces that are the real terrorists."

Commentator Xing Tianxing pointed out that the Chinese
regime has restricted people's faith with violence in Xinjiang.
It's so cruel that even women and children were killed.

Xing Tianxing: "This is not simply a general repression, but a
kind of genocide.
In the wake of such a serious incident, it (CCP) would definitely
resort to such approaches to cover up (the truth)."

A netizen said: "Chinese authorities blocked the Internet, cut
off communications and blockaded roads shortly after the
incident occurred.
We still cannot see videos from Shache County so far."

Therefore, he thought that what was written by the local Uyghur
is not a rumor!

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/LiYong