


《美聯社》援引「美國保護記者委員會」亞洲項目協調人迪茲(Bob Dietz)的話說:「在沒有獨立媒體報導的情況下,政府更容易把敵人妖魔化。」












採訪/陳漢 編輯/陳潔 後製/舒燦

AP: China Controls Narrative of Violence in Xinjiang

The Communist regime characterized the July 28 ethnic
violence in Xinjiang Shache County as a vicious terrorist
attack due to "the collusion of domestic and foreign
terrorist organizations."

However, a distinctly different version has also been
recounted by civilians.

Associated Press reported in its article that China
is controlling the narrative of the tense violence in the west.

Asia coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists
(CPJ) also told Radio Free Asia that the regime ought
to allow independent media interviews in Xinjiang.

August 4, AP reported, "The Chinese government uses
expansive controls and propaganda to maintain a virtual
monopoly on the narrative in the tense region of Xinjiang,
where minority Uighurs complain of oppression
under Beijing's rule."

"This limits outsiders to a one-sided view on escalating
ethnic unrest," added AP.

Cited AP, "With no independent media coverage, it is easier
for the state to demonize its enemies," said Bob Dietz,
Asia coordinator for the CPJ.

World Uyghur Congress spokesman Alim Seytoff: "In a CCP
one-party dictatorship, there are only two exploitative means.

One is the violence and killing of the Uyghurs
by the armed police.

The other is the demonization of the Uyghurs via the media
monopolization and information control using Xinhua
News Agency and CCTV.

No foreign media investigation, diplomats
or UN investigation team is allowed.

In all, it destroys the Uyghurs with violence and deceives
Chinese and people around the world with its media."

Former Hebei People's Radio editor Zhu Xinxin indicates
the violence is single-handedly manipulated by the regime,
including with commentary.

There is no formal channel to allow people
to express their views.
Media provides no independent report, either.

Zhu Xinxin: "In China, reports like this lack credibility.
There is no solid and objective proof.
The official report is absolutely questionable."

On August 3, a netizen shared the translation of an article
written by a Uyghur in Shache County on Twitter.,

It read, "In order to stop the locals from carrying out
religious activities, heavily armed soldiers broke into
the room, massacring over 50 women and children.

The angry locals who protested at the police station
were arrested in the name of assaulting the police.

The authorities carried out a bloody massacre in multiple
villages, leading to a death toll of at least three thousand."

According to a RFA Uyghur language report, officials
in Shache County were ordered to refuse a reporter interview.

One local said, "Everyone is saying that many people died,
at least two to three thousand.

The killings were mainly in the 14th, 15th, 16th,
and 22nd villages.

Those onlookers in the street were killed.
Even six-year-old children were killed.
Anyone with a farming tool in his hand was killed."

Zhu Xinxin: "The so-called official reports are totally
one-sided propaganda.

The official violence report is entirely under
the unified standard.

They will say whatever they want to lead the report,
especially domestic, as well as overseas editorial opinion.

They are trying to find an excuse
for the so-called anti-terrorism."

Xinhua News Agency reported that at noon on Aug. 1,
mobs were found in a corn field of Puqiakeqixiang
of Moyu county according to the people's report.

With the efforts of the public security forces and more than
30,000 locals, nine mobs were killed and one was arrested.

But there was no injury among the police and the locals,
the report said.

Netizens questioned this report.

The official statistics show that there is a population
less than 30,000 in Puqiakeqixiang.

The CCTV clip did not show a scene relevant
to 30,000 people being rounded up in the mob.

However, Beijing Sina website reported, Moyu town held
a commendation on August 3rd afternoon.

They rewarded the groups and individuals who participated
in the action and the people who provided the important clues
with a total of 4.23 million Yuan.

Deutsche Welle pointed out that the media's attempt
on the independent verification of the related mainland report
is easily blocked by local security agencies.

"A team of Associated Press journalists were followed
on a recent reporting trip from the moment they landed
at an airport in the prefecture of Aksu," according to AP.

Minders trailed them in cars and on foot questioning anyone
the reporters talked to, reported the AP.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ShuCan