邢天行表示,「活摘器官」這個事情非常敏感。美國作家伊森‧葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)的新書《大屠殺》,披露中共活摘法輪功學員器官的現象並沒有停止。現在柬埔寨發生這個問題,邢天行認為,自然會令人聯想到,是不是有中共軍醫將中國不法的器官輸送出去﹖她表示﹕非常令人質疑。
大陸門戶網站《網易》轉發了《環球時報》的報導,在一天的時間裡,就有3萬5千多人留言。有大陸網友說,報導的信息量很大,只是想不到的是,這事居然是「環求屎報」捅出來。網友猜測﹕一場風暴將要來臨嗎? 還有網友表示,之前就對器官之事將信將疑,現在報導出來,真的相信了。
採訪編輯/田淨 後製/李勇
Chinese Transplant Expert Colluded With Military Medicals in Cambodia to Conduct Organ Trafficking
On Aug 12, major media in mainland China have reproduced a report from CCP's mouthpiece Global Times. It explains about Chinese kidney transplant experts colluding with Cambodian military hospitals conducting organ trafficking. Some questioned those involved, namely Chinese experts, reselling organs transnationally.
According to the report, on Aug 11, The Cambodia Daily, Phnom Penh Post and other mainstream media, reported that the head of anti-trafficking department in Phnom Penh police, Lt. Col. Joe Keogh, confirmed that Phnom Penh police cracked a group involved in kidney trafficking, arresting nine suspects, including a 51-year-old Chinese expert, a director and vice-director of Cambodia Armed Forces General Hospital, three Vietnamese and another three related personnel staff.
The report said: "The Chinese professor was invited to General Hospital, and is an expert in kidney transplant surgery. He did not always stay in Cambodia, but only came when was needed. Three Vietnamese were suspected of selling their kidneys. The spokesman for Cambodia national police, Ken Tito said, someone has reported the situation of Armed Forces General Hospital to the military police department, hence the investigation.
The local website in Cambodia, reported many doctors had said this organ trafficking group had already been in existence in the Armed Forces General Hospital for two years.
In this regard, Chen Simin, columnist for US Epoch Times website, has published an article many readers were already very familiar with, the fact that CCP's military was involved in human organ harvesting, and organ transplant in Cambodia was also led by military hospitals, are these a pure coincidence?
Chen Simin questioned, experts in kidney transplant surgery earn high salaries in China, and there are many extra incomes for them to earn. Why would they take the risk and go to Cambodia to carry out illegal surgery? The even more shocking fact is that according to the report, most of the recipients for kidneys are Chinese citizens. The medical technology in China and Cambodia are miles apart, why would Chinese citizens take a detour and go to Cambodia to have surgery?
The report quoted a doctor's words, that the local price of a kidney is between 35 and 40 thousand U.S. dollars, and it is profiteering. Poor people in poverty stricken areas, are most likely to become prey of kidney trafficking groups.
Commentator Wu Fan: "They did this for the interest reasons. To get at least tens of thousands of US dollars for killing a man and taking their organs, and there are many people involved. Tens of thousands of dollars for killing, and CCP's current reputation is so poor, it may well transfer this from China to Cambodia."
Wu Fan expressed, although Cambodia is of a military regime now, it is also very near to China. CCP not only invested heavily in Cambodia's economic interests, but also strongly supported its military.
Wu Fan: "Its military, weapons, military supplies, even military uniforms, shoes and caps, all of them are supplied by CCP. Cambodia has a history of killing a third of the country's population when Communist Party was in power. Those people's subordinates or descendants of subordinates are now in power in Cambodia. Therefore, transfer this (organ transplant) base to their side, and teach them how to operate, will open a market and a trading route, why would they not do it? This kind of thing can not be carried out in the US."
Commentator Xing Tianxing felt that this is a spread of CCP's 'live organ harvesting' technique.
Xing Tianxing: "CCP's live organ harvesting in China was started within the military system, and trained many transplant experts in the police departments, practiced their so-called medical skills and fed their greed, now they are spreading their crimes."
Xing Tianxing said that 'live organ harvesting' is a very sensitive issue. The US writer Ethan Gutmann's new book 'The Slaughter' has revealed that CCP's organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners has never stopped. Now Cambodia has this problem, Xing Tianxing felt it is very natural for people to think, perhaps some CCP military medicals have transferred the illegal organs out. She said this is very suspicious.
Mainland's portal site NetEase reproduced Global Times' report, saying there are more than 35 thousand comments left by people in just one day. Some mainland netizens said, although this report contains a huge amount of information, it was really unexpected this thing was revealed by Global Times. Netizens guessed: Is a storm coming? Some other netizens said they were in a half-belief state of mind and half-doubt about whether the organ harvesting claims in the past were true, now however after the report, has made them fully aware and fully believe.
Interview & Edit/TianJin Post-Production/LiYong
邢天行表示,「活摘器官」這個事情非常敏感。美國作家伊森‧葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)的新書《大屠殺》,披露中共活摘法輪功學員器官的現象並沒有停止。現在柬埔寨發生這個問題,邢天行認為,自然會令人聯想到,是不是有中共軍醫將中國不法的器官輸送出去﹖她表示﹕非常令人質疑。
大陸門戶網站《網易》轉發了《環球時報》的報導,在一天的時間裡,就有3萬5千多人留言。有大陸網友說,報導的信息量很大,只是想不到的是,這事居然是「環求屎報」捅出來。網友猜測﹕一場風暴將要來臨嗎? 還有網友表示,之前就對器官之事將信將疑,現在報導出來,真的相信了。
採訪編輯/田淨 後製/李勇
Chinese Transplant Expert Colluded With Military Medicals in Cambodia to Conduct Organ Trafficking
On Aug 12, major media in mainland China have reproduced a report from CCP's mouthpiece Global Times. It explains about Chinese kidney transplant experts colluding with Cambodian military hospitals conducting organ trafficking. Some questioned those involved, namely Chinese experts, reselling organs transnationally.
According to the report, on Aug 11, The Cambodia Daily, Phnom Penh Post and other mainstream media, reported that the head of anti-trafficking department in Phnom Penh police, Lt. Col. Joe Keogh, confirmed that Phnom Penh police cracked a group involved in kidney trafficking, arresting nine suspects, including a 51-year-old Chinese expert, a director and vice-director of Cambodia Armed Forces General Hospital, three Vietnamese and another three related personnel staff.
The report said: "The Chinese professor was invited to General Hospital, and is an expert in kidney transplant surgery. He did not always stay in Cambodia, but only came when was needed. Three Vietnamese were suspected of selling their kidneys. The spokesman for Cambodia national police, Ken Tito said, someone has reported the situation of Armed Forces General Hospital to the military police department, hence the investigation.
The local website in Cambodia, reported many doctors had said this organ trafficking group had already been in existence in the Armed Forces General Hospital for two years.
In this regard, Chen Simin, columnist for US Epoch Times website, has published an article many readers were already very familiar with, the fact that CCP's military was involved in human organ harvesting, and organ transplant in Cambodia was also led by military hospitals, are these a pure coincidence?
Chen Simin questioned, experts in kidney transplant surgery earn high salaries in China, and there are many extra incomes for them to earn. Why would they take the risk and go to Cambodia to carry out illegal surgery? The even more shocking fact is that according to the report, most of the recipients for kidneys are Chinese citizens. The medical technology in China and Cambodia are miles apart, why would Chinese citizens take a detour and go to Cambodia to have surgery?
The report quoted a doctor's words, that the local price of a kidney is between 35 and 40 thousand U.S. dollars, and it is profiteering. Poor people in poverty stricken areas, are most likely to become prey of kidney trafficking groups.
Commentator Wu Fan: "They did this for the interest reasons. To get at least tens of thousands of US dollars for killing a man and taking their organs, and there are many people involved. Tens of thousands of dollars for killing, and CCP's current reputation is so poor, it may well transfer this from China to Cambodia."
Wu Fan expressed, although Cambodia is of a military regime now, it is also very near to China. CCP not only invested heavily in Cambodia's economic interests, but also strongly supported its military.
Wu Fan: "Its military, weapons, military supplies, even military uniforms, shoes and caps, all of them are supplied by CCP. Cambodia has a history of killing a third of the country's population when Communist Party was in power. Those people's subordinates or descendants of subordinates are now in power in Cambodia. Therefore, transfer this (organ transplant) base to their side, and teach them how to operate, will open a market and a trading route, why would they not do it? This kind of thing can not be carried out in the US."
Commentator Xing Tianxing felt that this is a spread of CCP's 'live organ harvesting' technique.
Xing Tianxing: "CCP's live organ harvesting in China was started within the military system, and trained many transplant experts in the police departments, practiced their so-called medical skills and fed their greed, now they are spreading their crimes."
Xing Tianxing said that 'live organ harvesting' is a very sensitive issue. The US writer Ethan Gutmann's new book 'The Slaughter' has revealed that CCP's organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners has never stopped. Now Cambodia has this problem, Xing Tianxing felt it is very natural for people to think, perhaps some CCP military medicals have transferred the illegal organs out. She said this is very suspicious.
Mainland's portal site NetEase reproduced Global Times' report, saying there are more than 35 thousand comments left by people in just one day. Some mainland netizens said, although this report contains a huge amount of information, it was really unexpected this thing was revealed by Global Times. Netizens guessed: Is a storm coming? Some other netizens said they were in a half-belief state of mind and half-doubt about whether the organ harvesting claims in the past were true, now however after the report, has made them fully aware and fully believe.
Interview & Edit/TianJin Post-Production/LiYong