






被中共前重慶市委書記薄熙來的妻子谷開來謀殺的,英國商人尼爾•海伍德(Neil Heywood)的母親,9月11號,在美國《華爾街日報》發表聲明,她再次要求中共政府履行承諾,對她兒子被殺一案的賠償事宜提供協助。



北京利誘梵蒂岡 換港教區棄真普選



Hong Kong SFC Sues CITIC, Directors over 2008 Loss

Sept. 11—The Hong Kong Security and Futures Commission
(SFC) says it will start legal proceedings against CITIC Ltd
and its five former executive directors to gain compensation
for its investors' losses.

CITIC is a mainland Chinese state-owned company;
previously called CITIC Pacific in Hong Kong.
The five former directors are chairman Larry Yung;
managing director, Henry Fan; deputy directors, Leslie Chang
Li Hsien and Peter Lee Chung Hing; and executive director,
Chau Chi Yin.

Larry Yung is the son of Rong Yiren, a former Chinese
vice president and the founder of a Chinese conglomerate.

In 2008, CITIC was exposed over a huge case of bad betting
on an Australian dollar investment.
Hong Kong SFC says the fake or misleading financial case
made 4,500 investors lose more than 1.9-billion HK dollars.

After Gu Kailai—wife of former Chongqing CCP Secretary
Bo Xilai—murdered British businessman Neil Heywood,
Heywood's mother requested compensation from the CCP,
and she is again requesting the CCP to fulfill its promise.

Ann Haywood says, it has been one year since Bo Xilai's case
and the Chinese government had promised to take action
to help resolve her son's murder case; however the authorities
have done nothing to honor their commitment.

Ann says she can't understand the government's
oversight and evasion in dealing with her son's case.

Hong Kong—Genuine Universal Suffrage

Conflicts between the Chinese authorities and Hong Kong
residents over the universal suffrage election continues.
According to Hong Kong, Apple Daily reported on Sept.12
that the Beijing authorities used "diplomatic relations"
with the Vatican to make the Hong Kong parish give up
the idea of a genuine universal suffrage.

Edit/Zhou Yulin