
【新唐人2014年09月15日訊】廣東博羅再遊行 政府網被黑





香港數千人舉行 「黑布遊行」

9月14號,香港泛民主派舉行 「黑布遊行」,抗議中共「人大常委」封殺香港「真普選」的政改決定。










Marching in Guangdong Boluo County. Guangdong
Government Website Hacked Again

The largest Asian garbage incineration plant is proposed
to be constructed in Guangdong Boluo county.

On Sept. 13, tens of thousands of residents marched to protect
Dongjiang water against the environment pollution.

The local government sent thousands of police and special
police to crack down on them and arrested 20 people.

Boluo police official microblog also issued a circular to
order the organizers to gave themselves up in three days.

They encouraged people to inform on each other.

However, on Sept. 14, the local people still continued with
the demonstration, although it was smaller than the first day.

According to the participants' estimation, there were
thousands of people.

At the same time, Boluo government website was suspected
of being hacked by people who supported protesters.

British BBC Chinese network reported that hackers had
already formatted the main server hard disk.

They left the procession picture of the previous day and asked,
“does the government know shame…..?”

When the NTD reporter accessed Boluo government websites
on Sept. 15 there was a message “website maintenance”.

Thousands of Hong Kong People Held Black Cloth Parade

On Sept. 14, Hong Kong Pan-democracy Camp carried black
cloth to protest against the political reform decided by the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Standing Committee, which
was to ban Hong Kong universal suffrage.

According to Hong Kong media report, the procession was
led by Occupy Central sponsor Chan Kin Man and several
Legislative Councilors.

The march departed from Causeway Bay Hong Kong at
15:30hrs and arrived at Chater Road at 18.00hrs.

A sponsor of Occupy Central Chu Yiu-ming estimated there
were 4,000 participators in the procession.

However, Hong Kong police said there were only
1,860 people at the most.

Marchers dressed in black, wearing yellow ribbons, holding
9 black banners each 150 meters long.

They had written on them “civil disobedience”,
“Government broke faith” “strike” and so on.

There was no slogan shouting from the parade,
only the sound of drumming.

Chan Kin Man said the march expressed dissatisfaction to the
CCP Standing Committee in silence, supporting the strike.

Writer Tie Liu is Detained

On Sept. 14, Beijing police detained mainland known rightist
writer Tie Liu.

He was detained on charges of disturbances and police
confiscated home computers and other equipment.

Mainland lawyer Liu Xiaoyuan said Tie Liu's wife believes
he got into trouble through writing.

Tie Liu who is already 81 years old, was born in 1933. His
detention made him the oldest disturb criminal suspect.

Edit/Zhou Yulin