【禁聞】百萬微信被封 「嚴打」為「打言」?
















採訪/田淨 編輯/張天宇 後製/鍾元

Millions of Microblogs Blocked: Freedom of Speech Suppressed

"Eliminate pornography and illegal publications", a Chinese
mainland campaign slogan which has lasted for many years.
With the rapid increase of internet users in recent years,
it has been transferred from real society to the internet world.
Objects can be incorporated into the "eliminate pornography"
range, also expanded from "pornography" to "public opinion",
such as democracy, the rule of law, anti-corruption, human rights
and other irrelevant contents of pornography.
It seems that these objects are "purified" in the name of
"eliminate pornography".
Netizens sigh.
"Eliminate pornography and illegal publications" is called
"intensive crackdown", but in fact is "suppression of speech",
which is suppression of freedom of speech.

Xinhua News Agency recently quoted the "China National
Internet Information Office" sources saying, the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) are currently "Continuing
to further eliminate pornography and illegal
publications • Clean Net 2014 special action".

Report claims that, this internet "anti- pornography"
campaign began this April, and is " more violent,
faster, more unexpected" than in any previous year.

So far, more than 150,000 micro-blog accounts,
more than 70 million WeChat and other mobile instant
messaging accounts, and more than 90 million QQ accounts
are being shut down by the authorities in the name of
"trick prostitute" or "dissemination of pornographic information".

Hunan netizen Ou Biaofeng:"My microblogging and WeChat
accounts have been shut down, at least five or six of my
microblogging accounts and two of my WeChat accounts
were shut down, including one of my earlier public accounts
has also been blocked."

In addition to the social networking platform, some well-known
mainland sites were not spared in this "eliminate pornography
and illegal publications" campaign. Especially the large
portal net Sina.com, was investigated and heavy fines imposed,
and had to apologize to the public, due to
"dissemination of pornographic information
in school channels and video programs".

Other well-known Internet companies such as Sohu and Tencent
also are subject to similar punishment.

Mainland China freelance writer Wildfire: "The largest two
forums in China are Tianya and Kdnet. I often comment on the
Kdnet Club, but often blocked by their administrators,
there is no way to get around it. Too many people in
the country have encountered the same thing as me.

We cannot completely blame the site management,
because if they do not do so, their entire forum and
the company will be closed down."

However, the authority’s "generous" campaign to
"purify the Internet", did not get people's support and praise.
Many realized that a lot of websites or accounts that
were closed, in fact, have no relation with "pornography".

NTD reporter: "What is the reason for your account to be
shut down, is it also because of pornography?"

Hunan netizen Ou Biaofeng: "how was I involved? I did not."

Reporter: "But why are your microblog and WeChat both closed?"

Ou Biaofeng : "Well because there are sensitive contents!
Political contents!"

Current affairs commentator Huang Jinqiu: "Every
"anti-pornography" will close many sites, among which
indeed are some sites with pornography, but maybe more
of them are not closed because of "pornography ",
but because they involve sensitive politics, anti-corruption,
human rights, etc. "

There are comments that the CCP authorities’ long-term
blockage of media and real information, and suppression of
freedom of speech have truly disgusted the public,
and has aroused public anger.
If it continues, they are in danger of losing public support.

But for the same purpose, they use the name "anti-pornography",
so it becomes more legal sounding.

Huang Jinqiu: "Anti-pornography and illegal publications”
is to highlight the sense of justice on the surface.

This so-called "moral superiority" is very funny in itself.

In fact, essentially they want to suppress those opponents.
Universal values in their view are the "scourge"!
So those who publicize universal values,
who help benefit people, or who they think threaten
their privileged class interests,
will be closed by them using this opportunity.
For this, everyone sees it clearly."

According to the CCP official media reports, recently,
the CCP authorities again "intensively crackdown" and clean up
a number of "illegal" accounts, closing 150 thousand microblogs,
WeChat, blog, tieba accounts.
Analysts believe that the clampdown on speech this time
might be related to the CCP Fourth Plenary Session in October.
Because the CCP's "every meeting, arrest", "every meeting, tighten"
have become a well-known practice.

Interview/TianJing Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/ZhongYuan