
【新唐人2014年09月29日訊】中共活體摘取法輪功學員器官的驚天罪惡,自從2006年被首次揭露以來,相關證據和信息不斷被曝光。「追查迫害法輪功國際組織」 在經過全面追查取證之後,於近日公布了「第一批中國大陸涉嫌參與活體摘取法輪功學員器官醫務人員的追查名單」。這些醫務工作者被視為觸犯群體滅絕罪、謀殺罪的嫌犯,或目擊證人。下面請看報導。













採訪/田淨 編輯/李謙 後製/蕭宇

The First Criminals in Live Organ Harvesting Announced

Since organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners
was first revealed in 2006, the relevant evidence and information
about the CCP 's (Chinese Communist Party) crimes have
continued to be exposed.

WOIPFG, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution
of Falun Gong, announced the first list of medical staff alleged
to have participated in live organ harvesting from Falun Gong

They are either the suspects committing genocide and murder
or witnesses.

WOIPFG announced on Sept. 27 the first list of alleged
organizations and members of 228 hospitals and 1,814 medical
staff in China.

WOIPFG stated, whereas the CCP has committed the crimes
of genocide and crimes against humanity by its persecution
of Falun Gong, live organ harvesting is a serious breach
of medical ethics and of any law enacted by mankind.

Therefore, any individual participating in organ harvesting
from living Falun Gong practitioners or prisoners of conscience
must take full responsibility for their actions.

These accused doctors, nurses, anesthetists, and etc.,
prior to providing credible and reliable evidence to prove
his or her innocence, should be regarded as suspects
committing genocide, murder or witnesses.

WOIPFG spokesperson Wang Zhiyuan: "We have conducted
a comprehensive investigation of Chinese doctors in organ
transplant and complied a database. More lists will be published."

Wang Zhiyuan introduces, tens of thousands of people
suspected of involvement in the heinous crimes.

Wang Zhiyuan: "Jiang Zemin and his CCP authorities initiated
organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners.
This is a massacre coordinated and uniformly arranged
by officials, police, military and hospitals."

Wang Zhiyuan says the massacre is a nationwide and
systematic genocide organized by the CCP.

Names and references will be provided to the international
community, including governments, Interpol,
judicial institutions and human rights organizations
as basis for legal action against the suspect
institutions and individuals.

Since 2000, Chinese hospitals in urban and rural areas have
invariably experienced rapid growth in organ harvesting
and transplants.

Even small hospitals lacking qualification have also begun
to conduct transplantation.

The timing closely matches with 1999 when the CCP launched
the persecution of Falun Gong.

Former Canadian Secretary of State (Asia-Pacific) David Kilgour
and human rights lawyer David Matas published "Report into
Allegations of Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners
in China" in 2006.

It is based on doctors', and patients ' testimony, official data,
telephone interviews, and so forth.

The shocking report confirms the existence of an unprecedented
evil on this planet, forced organ harvesting.

To ease international pressure, the CCP introduced the so-called
organ transplant ordinance (draft) in 2007.

CCP continues to mislead the public, claiming organs came
from executed prisoners,
denying organ harvesting from the living.

But in fact, the number of death penalties in China is very limited
and decreasing.

In addition China has almost no voluntary organ donation.

The first organ donor registration only began in March 2014.

A WOIPFG report on Sept. 25 revealed that illegally detained
Falun Gong practitioners are the 'donors ' of tens of thousands
of transplants in China according to analysis of more than 300
medical reports from 200 plus hospitals in 31 provinces and
municipalities in China.

The report found, 90% strong donors are males in their 20s
to 40s, with fair health, normal internal organs, lack of
transmitted diseases, and no history of drinking and smoking.

A population such as this is supporting the tens of thousands
of organ transplants in China and can absolutely not be
from death row prisoners.

Falun Gong spokesman Zhang Erping: "They know the
persecution of Falun Gong is against humanity and a violation
of China's constitution.
They are afraid of the exposure of the persecution,
be it the live organ harvesting, the tortures, or the killings."

WOIPFG, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution
of Falun Gong, headquartered in the United States, was founded
on January 20, 2003.

The mission of WOIPFG is: To investigate the criminal
conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals
involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; and to restore
and uphold justice in society .

Interview/TianJing Edit/LiQian Post-Production/XiaoYu