




支持香港佔中 數十陸民被抓









Let's have a look at today's human rights incidents
happening in China.

Petitioners Arrested for Distributing Materials at Tiananmen

Crowds of people visited Beijing's heavily guarded
Tiananmen Square for the Oct. 1 holiday.

At midday, three petitioners appeared, distributing flyers
among the crowd, but were quickly taken away by guards.

Later that day, Gu Xiuying and seven other petitioners from
Shanghai distributed more than 1,000 petition materials
from the windows of a transit bus
near Tiananmen's Golden Water Bridge.

The petitioners were arrested by police soon after.

Dozens Arrested for Voicing Support for Hong Kong
News about Hong Kong's massive protest
for universal suffrage has been blocked in mainland China.

Many mainlanders have been arrested for voicing support
for Hong Kongers.

Human rights group Chinese Human Rights Defenders says
rights activists from various areas in China such as Beijing,
Jiangxi, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Chongqing, were arrested
by local police on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1 for voicing support for
Hong Kong's Occupy Central movement.

Some of them also had their personal property confiscated.

Reports show that at least 20 people have been arrested and
over 60 have been contacted by police in the past two days.

Sichuan Civilians Protest against Injustice
Twenty-five Sichuan earthquake victims from Hanyuan
county of Sichuan province gathered on Oct. 1 in a folk style
to "celebrate" October 1 national holiday.

They held banners saying "The Party Officials' Festival;
The Ordinary People's Disaster", and "Injustice", to protest
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s suppression of them.

Dozens of Vaccine Victim Families Petition Ministry of Health

In the week ahead of the CCP's National Day, over 40 parents
and their children who were victims of vaccine accidents
have petitioned to the CCP's Ministry of health.

Roughly 23 were detained on Sept. 24, five of whom were
detained for the second time after returning to the ministry
to petition on Sept. 30.

On the morning of Oct. 1, Wu Yan and other parents of child
victims were sent back to their home in Guizhou province.

Their current situation is unclear.
