【新唐人2014年10月06日訊】梁振英威脅清場 十萬人集會抗議
重啟對話無果 大批示威者仍堅守
Ten Thousand People Protest Against Leung Chun-ying’s
It has been 8 days for Hong Kong’s universal suffrage
democracy protest since it started early last Sunday.
Hong Kong police used tear gas against peaceful
Then on Oct.3, a group of suspected gangsters manipulated
by the government created bloodshed.
On Oct. 4, Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying
issued an ultimatum.
He requested the protesters go back work before Monday;
Plus they must make the road by the government
headquarters and the Admiralty area open.
However, the Hong Kong people were not intimidated and
held a larger rally, to deal with the threat of Leung Chun-ying.
Ten thousand people expressed their thoughts by singing the
song “hold up an umbrella”, which was specially composed
for the umbrella revolution.
Restart Dialogue Has no Result. A Large Number
of Protesters Still Adhere
On Oct. 5, Hong Kong businessman and former Chief
Executive Tung Chee Hwa appealed to students and
protestors to leave after Leung Chun-ying’s ultimatum.
Some are really worried about the safety of students; while
others are behaving like government lobbyists.
At 9pm, Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Federation of
Students (HKFS) Zhou Yongkang announced they would
restart dialogue with the government.
However, he also said the government must ensure law
enforcement for the violent attacks and there must be no
forced clean up to start formal dialogue.
However, the two sides are still unable to reach a consensus
on dialogue principle in order to set up a dialogue deadline.
A large number of people continue to spontaneously defend
the three positions of Occupy Central late at night.
Some protesters brought in a three meters high wooden
sculpture with a yellow umbrella from the Admiralty to
the government headquarters walkway.
By midnight, the crowd didn’t disperse and the government
has not cleared up.
Shanghai Workers Asking For Salary With a Sit-in
Suppressed by Police
In mainland China on Oct.4, Shanghai has more than 2,000
people demonstrating.
Over 2,000 workers from the Kang Chun Massage Chain Co.
asked for salary through a sit-in at the Shanghai government.
This activity was suppressed by a large number of
police resulting in many beaten and 20 arrested.
Apparently traditional Chinese medicine health institution
Shanghai Kangjun company with more than 60 stores
recently collapsed.
More than 2,000 employees were not paid three months salary,
which led to the protest.
Edit/Zhou Yulin
重啟對話無果 大批示威者仍堅守
Ten Thousand People Protest Against Leung Chun-ying’s
It has been 8 days for Hong Kong’s universal suffrage
democracy protest since it started early last Sunday.
Hong Kong police used tear gas against peaceful
Then on Oct.3, a group of suspected gangsters manipulated
by the government created bloodshed.
On Oct. 4, Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying
issued an ultimatum.
He requested the protesters go back work before Monday;
Plus they must make the road by the government
headquarters and the Admiralty area open.
However, the Hong Kong people were not intimidated and
held a larger rally, to deal with the threat of Leung Chun-ying.
Ten thousand people expressed their thoughts by singing the
song “hold up an umbrella”, which was specially composed
for the umbrella revolution.
Restart Dialogue Has no Result. A Large Number
of Protesters Still Adhere
On Oct. 5, Hong Kong businessman and former Chief
Executive Tung Chee Hwa appealed to students and
protestors to leave after Leung Chun-ying’s ultimatum.
Some are really worried about the safety of students; while
others are behaving like government lobbyists.
At 9pm, Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Federation of
Students (HKFS) Zhou Yongkang announced they would
restart dialogue with the government.
However, he also said the government must ensure law
enforcement for the violent attacks and there must be no
forced clean up to start formal dialogue.
However, the two sides are still unable to reach a consensus
on dialogue principle in order to set up a dialogue deadline.
A large number of people continue to spontaneously defend
the three positions of Occupy Central late at night.
Some protesters brought in a three meters high wooden
sculpture with a yellow umbrella from the Admiralty to
the government headquarters walkway.
By midnight, the crowd didn’t disperse and the government
has not cleared up.
Shanghai Workers Asking For Salary With a Sit-in
Suppressed by Police
In mainland China on Oct.4, Shanghai has more than 2,000
people demonstrating.
Over 2,000 workers from the Kang Chun Massage Chain Co.
asked for salary through a sit-in at the Shanghai government.
This activity was suppressed by a large number of
police resulting in many beaten and 20 arrested.
Apparently traditional Chinese medicine health institution
Shanghai Kangjun company with more than 60 stores
recently collapsed.
More than 2,000 employees were not paid three months salary,
which led to the protest.
Edit/Zhou Yulin