【禁聞】佔中新階段 週內或啟對話


















採訪/易如 編輯/尚燕 剪輯/舒燦

New Stage in Occupying Central Movement

Occupy Central enters its 10th day, the tense atmosphere in Hong Kong gradually calms down. Hong Kong Government and the Federation of Students have made progress in preparations for dialogue. An early dialogue in public form might be held this week. Commentators believe this indicates that the activities of Occupy Central step into a new stage. The protesters have achieved success in the first phase. So in the past 10 days, what outcomes have Occupy Central activities achieved, and what is the meaning of these activities? Let's see the coverage.

On October 7, 2014, Occupy Central in Hong Kong enters its 10th day, primary schools in Western and Wan Chai have resumed classes. However, many people are still stationed at Queensway Government Offices, but they open a channel from the overpass at Admiralty Centre to Government headquarters for civil servants to walk to office freely. The site atmosphere is calm.

In the evening of Oct 6th, the representatives of "The Hong Kong Federation of Students"(HKFS) and three government officials held the 2nd preparatory meeting for dialogue on political reform. The two sides reached a consensus on the three principles proposed by the "Federation of Students", and agreed to hold an early open dialogue, possibly this week.

After the meeting, Deputy Secretary General of HKFS Mr Lester Shum said that whether the dialogue can proceed smoothly will depend on the sincerity of the Government.

Lester Shum:"The Government's attitudes towards the activities of Occupy Central, and whether the Government take violent action to clear Occupy Central or hurt the occupiers, considerably affects whether students can have a successful dialogue with the Government."

Although the demands of Hong Kong people for "genuine universal suffrage" have not yet been achieved, the tensions which have lasted more than a week in Hong Kong have eased now. Commentators believe that this indicates that Occupy Central activities enter a new stage, and that the protesters also achieved the success of the first phase.

American Chinese magazine "China Affairs" Chief Editor, Mr Wu Fan: "Hong Kong Occupy Central is now entering into another stage. During the first stage, citizens stood up, and showed their strength. The kind of brutal repression executed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as well as Hong Kong Chief Executive has been displayed, for all the world to see. After the first stage is over, now it is the second stage for the negotiation. My overall assessment is to say, this Occupy Central action is very successful, and the students and the public are all very successful."

Bao Tong, former secretary, to former CCP Head, Zhao Ziyang, recently wrote that Occupy Central has brilliantly accomplished two historic missions. First, unyieldingly expressing divine requirements and the strong will for true universal suffrage in Hong Kong voters; Second, forcing the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) to expose its true character and essence.

As for the next phase of civil disobedience, Wu Fan does not believe this will be a long process. He said that the CCP were being caught in a dilemma.

Wu Fan: "They refuse to remove the NPCSC's resolution. But they cannot meet the partial requirements of the people, and they do not want to do so. So what they can negotiate? Then they have to postpone the solution. Once the people wait till they have no patience, then the students will rise again. This will not take a long time."

The 10 day Occupy Central action is the most serious civil disobedience activity since Beijing recovered sovereignty over Hong Kong in 1997. How Beijing authorities respond to the democratic voice of the people of Hong Kong, received widespread international attention, especially in Taiwan.

Associate Professor Dong Liwen of Public Safety Department of Taiwan Police University says: "Some Taiwan people also hold illusions about the CCP. I think that this incident sounds the alarm. They suppose that today's CCP is not the same as the past, and today's CCP are more enlightened, carry out reform, and have a rational and pragmatic approach. But if you watch the ways the CCP treat freedom and democratic demands of the Hong Kong people, I believe that their impression of CCP goodwill and the reform image, has been completely shattered in Taiwan."

US-based Chinese researcher Zhang Jian pointed out that social problems, not only in Taiwan, the Occupy Central is a mirror for the world. Because in recent years, in addition to Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Europe and all developed areas in the West have been systematically infiltrated by the CCP.

Zhang Jian: "They control the media, they established a large number of Confucius Institutes, using taxpayers' money to promote its ideology. These are enough for proving the CCP's evilness, which is not only confined to the thoughts of mainland people, but also actually has a single strategic objective to confine the thoughts of all Chinese, and hence impacts the world through overseas Chinese. Furthermore, I think this is one of aims of the CCP: to eventually control human thoughts."

But Zhang Jian believes that this goal can never be achieved by them.

Zhang Jian: "Evil can never defeat the truth, this is a heavenly principle."

In addition to students and the public, members of the original Pan Democracy group prepared to take action when the Legislative Council resumes on Wednesday. But the Hong Kong Legislative Council on the 7th cancelled the meeting, and announced its extension. Civic Party Legislative Councillor Alan Leong on behalf of Pan-Democracy, criticized the government and took the lead on the non-cooperation movement of the Legislative Council. He said that in the future he will be able to follow up, and to identify in the past 10 days, who commands tear gas, and conniving gangsters to attack the Occupy Central in Mong Kok as well as to clear rumors.

Interview/YiRu Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ShuCan