【禁聞】港警暴打示威者 激起憤怒

【新唐人2014年10月16日訊】港警暴打示威者 激起憤怒













Hong Kong Police Viciously Beat Occupy Central Protesters

Hong Kong Occupy Central has lasted almost three weeks.

Since the Hong Kong government cancelled a dialogue with
students, both sides have been under pressure.
On Oct. 15, police went to the scene to clear out
the protesters with force.
Police violently beat a protester that was captured by a
TV crew arousing heated responses from the public.

Amnesty International issued a statement.

It says that Hong Kong police involved in these attacks
must face a lawsuit.
Because they “viciously attacked a detained man who
posed no threat to the police.”

The Asian Human Rights Commission also expressed
“shock and sadness” at the incident.
They called for the officers to be arrested and
“brought before the law as early as possible.”

Hong Kong’s TVB footage shows that on the early morning
of Oct. 15, six police took a handcuffed protester to a dark
corner, where they repeatedly punched and kicked him.

Reporters of TVB jointly urge for an investigation into
the incident

The footage angered many Hong Kong citizens.

However, during TVB’s repeated broadcasting of the incident,
the reporter’s use of the words “punch and kick” were deleted.
The reporters from the news department were unhappy
about this.

Many TVB news staff published a joint statement
on facebook.
They expressed their regrets and worries to the
high-level management.
They stated that they find it impossible
to agree with the changes.
In the evening, more than 12 anchors joined the protest
showing their support to these reporters.

Seven media unions and organizations including the Hong
Kong Journalists Association and Hong Kong Press
Photographers Association jointly issued a statement.

They showed support to TVB reporters, urging the media
not to self censor, and not to punish reporters later on.

Protesters Try to Occupy Lung Wo Road Again

Protesters that were dispersed by police are still
carrying on their protest.
On Oct. 15, at 11.50pm, many protesters put the barricades
back on Lung Wo Road in Admiralty.
They hope to block the road once again. But shortly after, the
Police stopped them and moved away the barricades.

Some citizens invented “swift” action,
playing hide-and-seek with police.
At 10 p.m., some citizens suddenly appeared near
across road of Pedder Street and Connaught Road.
They used ice cream tanks, trash tanks as riot shields
and blocked the road.
When police arrived, the citizens quickly left.

Edit/Zhou Yulin