【禁聞】港占中 北京釋強烈信號 中南海有隱情?
















採訪/易如 編輯/尚燕 剪輯/舒燦

Beijing Sends Strong Signals But Is Zhongnanhai Hiding Secrets?

Along with Hong Kong police again clearing Lung Wo Road
near the government offices in Queensway, the Occupy
Central Movement on Oct. 16 entered its nineteenth day
and the time is moving increasingly close to the opening
date of the fourth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Committee.
On the one hand, Beijing sent an increasingly tough signal,
but on the other hand, what Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing
told students on Oct. 15 reveals different information.

On the night of Oct. 15, some Hong Kong people
and students tried to re-occupy Lung Wo Road,
but clashed with nearly one hundred policemen
who reinforced the conflict.
Police used pepper spray to disperse the crowd, but the
public and students held umbrellas to protect themselves.

This is the second consecutive night of the conflict
between Hong Kong Police and demonstrators.
Last night, some of the police practices were controversial.

For example, the media captured footage of police
attempting to rip off a protester's goggles
and spraying pepper spray in his eyes despite him
raising his hands in the air.

Voice of America says that it seems Beijing cannot wait for
autumn to pass to liquidate the Occupy Central participants.
However, the real reason Beijing is pushing urgently
to dampen down the Occupy Central Movement
might be the fourth Plenary Session of the Eighteenth CCP
Central Committee which will be held several days later.

Hong Kong's Open magazine editor-in-chief Jin Zhong:
"I think they may be planning to dampen down the Occupy
Central Movement before the Fourth Plenary Session.

If it is not completely extinguished,
they will need a rough success.
This is to say, they will fully take back all the occupied sites
of Occupy Central Movement.

The Fourth Plenary Session is scheduled to be held
on Oct. 20.
On Oct. 15, an unnamed Chinese government official in
Hong Kong passed a tough message to international media.
BBC Chinese Network quoted her as saying Occupy Central
is illegal and will bring serious consequences,
and the Central Government will not make concessions
or compromises; Their patience has reached the limit.

On Oct. 15, Hong Kong Cheung Kong Group Chairman
Li Ka-Shing also issued a statement,
calling on students to go home, but his statement is totally
different from the strong language of Chinese officials.

As Hong Kong's most influential political and business figure,
Li Ka-shing said in a statement,
"We can understand the enthusiasm of the students…
Young friends— your parents, family, all people of Hong
Kong, and the Central Government are all concerned
about you.
You have successfully delivered the message your feelings,
and we all have heard."

Although this is similar to calling for students to evacuate,
commentators believe that there is interesting information
contained in this statement.

Commentator Lin Zixu: "Li Ka-shing's statement directly
referred to the Central Government, and it seems that
Li Ka-shing is speaking on behalf of the CCP high-level
to the students.
Here Li Ka-shing did not deny students' Occupy Central,
and said that they've successfully delivered the message.
Here 'successfully' is very appropriately used.
Who has it been successfully delivered to?
Of course, this is the Central Government
in addition to the general public.
If Li Ka-shing is really to state the demands of the CCP
high-level, then Leung Chun-ying's situation
should be very adverse."

Li Ka-shing's statement also mentioned that today's
Chinese leaders are "establishing the right style
of political governance to show their resolution
of rule by law."
Finally he asked the students not to be excited
and return their family members.

Linzi Xu: "Li Ka-shing also said that today's Chinese leaders
are establishing the right style for political governance,
the term "today" is also used here.
So do yesterday's leaders have problems?
This immediately pulled us into imagining
a power struggle within the CCP.
My personal interpretation is that this is Xi's dialogue
with students by Li Ka-shing's mouth.
Frankly, it means that I, Xi Jinping, have learned
everyone's mind, I will make a positive response,
and Leung Chun-ying is certainly not to stay
at the current position for a long time.
Meanwhile, in order to confuse the situation, Jiang's faction
might strike a vicious blow to students.
So please leave there quickly."

Commentator Xia Xiaoqiang also published an article
on Oct. 16 which said that Li Ka-shing's statement
on students revealed Zhongnanhai's hidden political secrets.

The article says the underlying reasons of the crisis
in Hong Kong are the coup actions of Jiang Zemin's group
in attempt to seize power from Xi Jinping.

Jiang's faction expected the violence to upgrade,
forcing Xi Jinping to dispatch troops to suppress students,
then utilize the domestic and international condemnation
to overturn Xi Jinping.
Eventually regaining the supreme power of the CCP
by way of "correcting Xi Jinping's blunders.”

Xia Xiaoqiang analysed that on the topic of Hong Kong,
Xi Jinping is unable to send messages via the official media.
This is because of Liu Yunshan, who belongs to Jiang's faction,
is controlling the CCP's media.
Also, Jiang's faction is kidnapping and fighting Xi Jinping
with the CCP's party spirit and organizational principles.

Senior political and economic commentator Lin Baohua
also published an article on Oct. 15 about
the Fourth Plenary Session and the situation of Hong Kong.

It mentions that if a bloody incident occurred during
the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement then China would have
the largest diplomatic crisis since Tiananmen.

This will impact the economy.

Then Xi Jinping's position within the CCP will be challenged,
thus Xi Jinping takes a relatively cautious approach.

Interview/YiRu Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ShuCan