【禁聞】懼佔中 中共限前國務院祕書赴港











俞梅蓀還根據自己了解的訪民冤案,不斷為訪民撰文發聲。他在「冤案積如山 訪民心泣血」中寫道,二十多年來,上海官場腐敗、法治倒退、貧富兩級分化。每位訪民都飽受欺壓、求告無門、血淚斑斑。




今年9月,俞梅蓀曾兩次到中共中央巡視組的上海接待站上訪,陳述自己和家人的冤情。 他認為,中共領導人習近平、李克強要改變政令不出中南海的現狀,但目前的實際情況是,不僅政令出不了中南海,下面還要反過來執行上面的命令。

採訪/秦雪 編輯/宋風 後製/黎安安

Former CCP State Council Secretary Prohibited From Visiting Hong Kong

Yu Meisun, a former secretary of the Chinese Communist Party's
(CCP) State Council, was illegally abducted from
Shanghai Customs to Beijing recently.

So far, he had been under house arrest since Sept.30.

Beijing State Security officer said the move was to prevent
him from attending Occupy Central movement in Hong Kong.

The CCP's illegal act makes Yu Meisun feel that
“rule by law” is nothing more than empty talk by the party.
Yu Meisun is a former secretary of the CCP's state council
and a legal expert.

He had planned to attend an academic activity
in Hong Kong in late September.

However, he was inspected and blocked at
Customs in Shanghai.

Customs inspectors even took away his laptop and books,
as well as prohibited him from leaving the country.
Yu Meisun, former CCP State Council secretary:
I was stopped on the 29th.

After that, the Beijing Public Security Bureau, its branch of
Haidian District and my local public security officers
brought me back from Shanghai to Beijing.

Now, I was under surveillance and I couldn't go out
without obtaining permission from them.

Things have been like this since Sept.30.
Yu Meisun later learned that four state security officers
from Beijing had arrived in Shanghai one day
ahead of his arrival.

They informed customs to block him, aiming to prevent him
from attending Occupy Central.

Those officers also refused Yu's request of staying in
Shanghai to look after his hospitalized younger brother.

They forcibly brought Yu back to Beijing on the same night
of blocking him at customs.
Yu Meisun said, he made the planed visit in February.

He bought tickets in August.

The Occupy Central movement had not begun back then.
Yu Meisun: I have all the legal documents.

I am making a lawful visit abroad.

On the other hand, their block is illegal.

They give no legitimate reason or legal documents,
and simply stopped me in an arbitrary manner.
Yu Meisun told state security officers that they had violated
the Police Act.

Furthermore, Criminal Law sentences those arbitrarily
deprived of freedom of citizens to three years in prison.
The fact is, Yu Meisun had experienced similar
things several times.

In 2006, he was prohibited from visiting a legal seminar
held in Los Angeles.

In 2007, He was blocked at Lo Wu Control Point when
visiting Hong Kong, and was detained in Zhuhai after that.
Yu Meisun was secretary of Gu Ming, former deputy
secretary-general of the State Council and vice director
of State Council Board for Environment.

In 1993, Yu was put into prison for three years
as he was falsely accused of “making illegal copies
of state secret files”.
Yu Meisun had completely changed his mind
after the imprisonment.

He repeatedly petitioned for himself and
other underclass civilians.

He attended rights defending activities by peasants
in Zigong City, Sichuan Province in 2003.

He was also involved in the case of reservoir area
resettlement of Qinhuangdao and Tangshan, which are cities
both in the Hebei Province.

He thus became an eyesore of the CCP,
and had to live as if in exile.
Yu Meisun also wrote articles to voice support for victims
of injust cases.

In an artile titled “Injustice Piling Up, Petitioners
Tearing Blood”, Yu wrote the following:

In the past 20 years, Shanghai saw corruption in politics,
regression in rule of the law, and serious
polarization of wealth.

Every petitioner had experienced suppression, they have
nowhere to appeal, only shedding blood in tears.
Yu wrote another article titled “Huangpu River Flows
with Petitioners' Tears”.

The article states, in 2002, Jiang Zemin promoted
Zhou Yongkang to command the public security system,
procuratorates and courts.

By doing that, they set up an enormous system of
“stability maintenance” through violence.

The system serves to monitor and harshly suppress
rights defending activities.

This leads to a serious regression of rule by law in China,
and the following 10 years had become the darkest
ones for petitioners.

Over a decade, Yu Meisun also suffered a lot himself from
the CCP's systematic violence.

Yu told NTD that, he had been deprived of freedom on
sensitive dates such as during the “Two Meetings”, on June 4,
July 1 or October 1.

Even during the Jasmine Revolution, Obama's visit or
National Book Festival, his freedom was restricted.

He could be blocked on the way to any place.
Things had also become worse recently.
Yu Meisun: I never imagined that the situation would become
worse even after Zhou Yongkang's fall and
the 18th National Congress.

The Fourth Plenary Session said, We would rule by law.

If they say more about it, we will see more illegal violence
and restrictions of personal freedom.

Why do they simply goes against what they say?
This September, Yu Meisun visited Shanghai reception
center of the CCP's Central Inspection Group twice,
to report grievances on his family.

Yu believes that Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang have to change
the fact that “anyone outside Zhongnanhai does not
follow their orders”.

Indeed, the situation is even worse than that as subordinate
officials can do the opposite to the Zhongnanhai order.

Interview/QinXue Edit/SongFong Post-Production/LiAnAn