【禁聞】徐才厚關係網龐大 軍方或大清洗





中國問題獨立評論員李善鑒 :「徐才厚他的落馬,就是江派在整個軍隊裡邊失勢的一個大的轉折點吧,對徐才厚公開的審判,和以後不可避免的在軍隊裡邊的清洗,其實就是軍隊裡邊清理江的勢力的一個過程。它畢竟這麼多年經營了一個巨大的勢力,整個清洗是要一個過程,而且涉及到的人員會是相當多的。」














採訪/朱智善 編輯/王子琦 後製/肖顏

Xu Caihou's Vast Network Of Relationships May Cause
Big Cleansing In Military

Former Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC),
Xu Caihou, was being transferred to prosecution recently.

His network of relationships in the political arena is
again causing concern.

Observers found out that people who are related to him are
mostly officials of the Jiang faction, and many of them
have became high-risk targets in the
Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) "Tiger Hunts".

Some analysts pointed out that with the development of
Xu's case, Xi Jinping may further cleanse out the military.

As Xu Caihou's case was declared as concluded with its
investigation, and handed-over to prosecution, it has been
reported that Xu's case has wide implications, meaning that
a large-scale military personnel change may occur.

Voice of America quoted words from Willy Lam, a scholar of
University of Hong Kong, and stated that Xu Caihou is in fact
the head of a large-scale corruption circle, hundreds of
high-ranking officials may be involved in this circle.

Former president of Military Academy Press, Xin Ziling:
A group of cadres was promoted through buying of official
posts and bribery, there are quite a number.

If he (Xu Caihou) approved, they will become high and mid
cadres, at least the city level.

Independent commentator of Chinese affairs, Li Shanjian:
Xu Caihou's downfall is a big turning point of the
Jiang faction's loss of power in the military.

Xu Caihou's public trial, and the inevitable cleansing of
the military, are a process of removing Jiang's influence
in the military.

After all its influence has been running for so many years,
a thorough cleansing requires a process, and there will be
many people involved.

According to Hong Kong's Frontline Magazine, Xu Caihou is
willing to plead guilty and cooperate with the investigation.

However, he raised four conditions, one is that all officials
involved in corruption will receive "equal treatment".

Xin Ziling felt that this condition is "very interesting".

Xin Ziling: He asked the Central Commission for Discipline
Inspection gives 'equal treatment', this has implied meaning.

Who does he want to have 'equal treatment' with?

He would not ask a commander, a commissar or anyone having
lower ranks to have 'equal treatment'.

He wants those who have higher positions to have
'equal treatment', right?

He is already the CMC Vice Chairman, the one above him
will be the chairman.

That means if Jiang Zemin has errors, you also have to
give him 'equal treatment'.

Xu Caihou was being billed as Jiang Zemin's "favorite in
the military", and is one of Jiang faction's spokesmen
in the army.

He has deep interest connections with Zhou Yongkang who
is "under investigation" now, and Bo Xilai who was sentenced
to life imprisonment.
Xu Caihou's hometown is Wafangdian, Dalian, Liaoning,
when Bo Xilai was in power of Dalian, he gave a lot of ease
of doing business to Xu's family, Bo and Xu's family had
"established a deep relationship".

At CCP's two sessions 2012, Bo Xilai and Xu Caihou showed
a close relationship.

When the CCP expelled Xu Caihou from the party on June 30
this year, it also expelled three cronies of Zhou Yongkang,
they are Jiang Jiemin, Li Dongsheng and Wang Yongchun.

Political critic Chen Pokong has analyzed this in a review
article on Jul. 1, stated this move of authorities had showed
Xu Caihou and Zhou Yongkang also have an unusual relationship.

Just like rumors said, Xu Caihou was involved in Zhou Yongkang
and Bo Xilai's failed coup conspiracy, which was aimed at
CPC General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Hong Kong's Cheng Ming Monthly once revealed, Xu Caihou has
confessed in the investigation that former CMC vice chairman,
Guo Boxiong, who is another spokesman of Jiang Zemin, has
repeatedly asked Xu to form an alliance to ride out the storm.

The relationship between Xu Caihou and Gu Junshan, former
Deputy Minister of the General Logistics Department
is also unusual.

Overseas media have been disclosing, the reason Gu Junshan
was promoted five ranks in eight years and moved up from
lieutenant-colonel to a lieutenant general, is because he had
given Xu Caihou huge bribes and booties.

Hence, Xu Caihou had tried to stop the investigation of
Gu Junshan's corruption in the CMC.

However, Li Shanjian reminds the outside world, although the
CCP is speaking about the problem of corruption, corruption
is not the true reason for Xu Caihou to be cleaned out.

Li Shanjian: On one side, it is a process of one faction in
the military cleansing another faction.

In addition, various channels have been talking about when
Xu was in power, he was involved in live organ harvesting.

In this matter, the CCPs army plays a leading role
to some extent.

Professor Kerry Brown, the director of the China Studies
Centre at the University of Sydney, stated that it is unusual
for Xu Caihou to have received such treatment.

Strategically speaking, it may be a prelude to a formal trial
of Zhou Yongkang.

Interview/zhu zhisan Edit/wang zhiqi Post-Production/xiaoyan