

《華盛頓自由燈塔》(Washington Free Beacon)11月11號報導,中共內部政治裂痕的產生,和全國性的「反腐」運動有關,還牽涉到中共高層,就如何清除幾名身居黨內高位的最高層官員,存在不同意見。以往這麼高級別的中共官員,是不會因為「腐敗」而落馬的。













採訪/朱智善 編輯/尚燕 剪輯/舒燦

US Intelligence: Signs of Division Among CCP Leadership

The recent unclassified intelligence report is said to be
circulating within the U.S. government during APEC,
according to foreign media reports.

It is said that signs of a serious division within the ruling
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are emerging.

The Washington Free Beacon 's Nov. 11 report:
The political rift is being linked to a nationwide
anti-corruption, and to differences among top leaders over the
purge of several of China 's most senior leaders…
who held posts at senior Party levels that in the past
were immune to such crackdowns.

Beacon: The recent unclassified intelligence report circulated
within the U.S. government disclosed that the leadership rift
is linked to the case against Zhou Yongkang, a former member
of the Politburo Standing Committee, the seven-person…
collective dictatorship that rules China

Zhou, considered Party 's most senior security chief
and one of the most powerful leaders in China, has been
under investigation for corruption since at least July.

Disclosure of the divisions comes as China is hosting
an economic summit in Beijing for world leaders.
It also follows a recent Party conference that called for
increasing Chinese-style rule of law.
Beacon: a western-sounding concept that in China translates
into the use of laws to maintain the Party 's power—
not to maintain an independent judicial system.

What is the profound meaning of the US intelligence agencies
disclosing the report at this point in time?

Chinese independent commentator Li Shanjian: it must be
some distinct manifestation that has been shown.
That is the different leadership is obviously conducting
the dialect towards the leadership of a different faction.
The differences in these dialects are very distinct.

Zhang Jian, Chinese social issue researcher: There are things
that are not so convenient for Obama to express at APEC.
Through the U.S. intelligence agencies, it released a very
strong message, it is hoped for the Xi regime to comply with
the rules of law.

But the rule of law is empty talk under the CCP ruling,
and a dream never achievable for the Chinese.

Beacon: One key sign of the leadership dispute appeared
briefly last summer in an online version of the Party
newspaper Changbaishan Ribao.

The newspaper, an official mouthpiece for the regional Party
in Baishan City, Jilin Province, quoted Xi as telling a closed-
door meeting of the Politburo on June 26 the following:
the two armies of corruption and anti-corruption
are in confrontation, and have reached a stalemate.

Shortly after the article appeared it was removed by
Chinesecensors, an indication it had revealed
sensitive internal information.

Beacon indicated: State-run Chinese media also have sent
mixed messages, and that Zhou is not the last senior
official to be ousted.

Xi 's anti-corruption campaign has produced “tension”
among members of the elite.

Zhang Jian: The biggest sign was shown from the various tones
from Central, to the Propaganda Department, the mouthpieces
such as CCTV, People's Daily, Xinhua, and Global Times.

They all sing different choirs.
Xi 's words are totally inconsistent to Liu Yunshan 's words.
The traces of this contest between Xi 's faction and
Jiang 's faction are shown in various fields and levels.

Another sign of leadership divisions within the Party is
the length of time it is taking for the Zhou investigation
to be concluded.

Zhou is facing graft charges and normally the regime completes
its investigation of senior leaders within two months.
The delay in the case is fueling speculation that leaders
remain deadlocked over how to handle the case,
reported Beacon.

Zhang Jian: Zhou Yongkang has completely missed
out in the Fourth Plenary Session.
It is enough to prove that the two sides are in desperate
flames on the case of Zhou Yongkang at the last position.

Beacon: Analysts of China have long argued that leadership
divisions in China would be among the indicators of a
breakdown of one-party rule that could produce a change in a
system in place since the Communists seized power in 1949.

Li Shanjian explains that more and more Chinese have openly
expressed dissatisfaction with the CCP by denouncing the CCP
and its affiliated organizations.

This is an even more meaningful sign of the collapse
of the one-party dictatorship.
Denouncing the CCP would uproot the foundation of the CCP.
The CCP ruling is facing a crisis of collapse at any time.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ShangYan Post-Production/ShuCan