【禁聞】魯煒考察臉書 大陸網友吐槽

【新唐人2014年12月09日訊】 魯煒考察臉書 大陸網友吐槽














Mainland Netizens Mocked Lu Wei's Investigaion
of Facebook.

It has been a while since the Internet social platform Facebook
was banned in mainland.
However, State Internet Information Office director Lu Wei
wants to personally vist Facebook headquarters.
Mainland media wrote, Lu Wei saw an English version book
by Xi Jinping on Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's seat.

Previously, Lu Wei said China only welcomes true friends to
respond to the Facebook block.
So his personal visit to Facebook triggered mockery from
mainland netizens.
And Zuckerberg's movement also received teasing.

Some people said Lu Wei is very impudent to go to
Zuckerberg's office.
Some also said there might be someone behind to help
Zuckerberg do such things;
Otherwise he was a probationary member of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP).

However, more people worried that Facebook might betray
users to enter the China market.

Hong Kong Citizens Initiated Relay Hunger Strike to Support
Scholarism Student.

Dec. 8 is 72 days of the Hong Kong Occupy Central
The occupied Admiralty where most protesters are
concentrated is facing clearout this week.
The hunger strike launched by Scholarism entered 6 days
of requesting dialogue with the Hong Kong Government.
Currently there is only one student persisting and the
government hasn't restarted a dialogue.

On Dec. 7, more than a dozen Hong Kong citizens also
launched a 28 hour relay hunger strike.
They put the hunger strike camps opposite the Scholarism
hunger strike area.
Currently nearly a hundred people responded to this action
through the internet.

Radio Free Asia reported, the hunger strike participants hope
to make students not feel alone.
Although they know a hunger strike won't force the
government to restart the political reform.

Ilham's Seven Students Sentenced.

On Dec. 8 renowned Uyghur scholar Ilham's seven students
were sentenced.

They received from three to eight years imprisonment on
charges of crimes against the country.

One defense lawyer of Ilham, Liu Xiaoyuan posted the
information on Twitter on the same day.
Another defense lawyer Li Fangping also told the Voice of
America that he was given confirmation by the police.
He said those students who made unfavorable testimony
about Ilham received lighter sentences.

Ilham was sentenced to life imprisonment this September on
charges of crimes against the country.
The authorities accused Ilham and his seven students of being
a criminal group attempting to split Xinjiang.
Ilham denied the allegations and international opinion also
condemned political pressure to heavily sentence Ilham.

Edit/Zhou Yulin