【禁聞】銅鑼灣佔領區面臨清場 港人不捨

【新唐人2014年12月15日訊】銅鑼灣佔領區面臨清場 港人不捨




政改表決時 學聯或佔領立法會









Hong Kong People Visit Causeway Bay Protester Site For Farewell

Causeway Bay still has the last protest site
of the Occupy Central movement in Hong Kong.
However, the site will be also cleared on Dec. 15.

The day before the clearance, many residents visited the site,
voicing their support of those seeking general election.

Visitors either took photos or wrote down their feelings
on a huge banner which read, "I Want General Election."
Messages such as "Umbrella Must be Followed by Reunion"
(in Chinese "umbrella" sounds the same as "farewell"),
"I Want Universal Suffrage" and "Thank You Hong Kong
People", were written on a yellow balloon and placed
in protester camps.

Some also made umbrellas by folding paper.

Visitor civilians said the Hong Kong government might
be able to clear the site, but they would not be able
to clear spirits and souls seeking democracy in Hong Kong.

HKFS Does not Rule Out Occupying the Legislative Council When Reform Framework is Voted On

On the same day, secretary-general of Hong Kong
Federation of Students (HKFS) Chow Yong-Kang said that
when the reform framework on election is put out to vote,
HKFS does not rule out starting another Occupy movement
at the Legislative Council.

Chow said if the Hong Kong government sticks to a reform
plan in accord with the NPC’s decision, it will prove that
the officials are deceiving the Hong Kong people
in a long-term fashion.

In the meantime, Scholarism and United Front in Support
of Students and Citizens' Struggle jointly proposed a Civil
Disobedience plan for the next step, as an offshoot
of the Occupy movement to continuously pressure Leung
and the CCP.

A Radio Free Asia report said the Civil Disobedience plan
includes delaying rent payment of council houses
and paying tax bills in trickles as a first step.

Chow said delaying rent payment refers to pay the rent
on the deadline, such as to reduce interest income
and available cash of the Housing Department.

Paying tax in trickles refers to paying the annual taxes with
many checks, instead of doing a one-time payment.

Xi Jinping's Visit to Zhenjiang Becomes a Hot Topic in China

On Dec. 13, the CCP president Xi Jinping went
to Zhenjiang City of Jiangsu Province, after attending China's
first state commemoration of the Nanjing massacre.

This should have been a normal visit.

However, the famous pro-Xi weibo account
"Fans Group of Studying Xi" used "V5" (powerful move),
"awesome" and "great" to comment on Xi's visit.

This quickly drew public attention on the Internet
and led to hot discussions.

Some said "Zhenjiang, what a name with profound
meaning!" (Zhen Jiang means "Overrule Jiang" in Chinese).
Some asked, "Zhen Jiang, so the battle has begun?"

Some also said, "Visiting ZhenJiang suggests Jiang Zemin
had been under control;
a public trial of the toad Jiang is now a certainty."

Online rumors say former CCP president Jiang Zemin
avoided visiting Zhenjiang City as a taboo, because the city
name sounds the same as "overrule Jiang Zemin" in Chinese.

Jiang never set foot in the city throughout his whole life.

This explains why many netizens regard Xi's visit to Zhenjiang
as a key signal of what he will do next politically.

Edit/Zhou Yulin