【禁聞】俄中或開發黑瞎子島 再曬江賣國
















採訪/陳漢 編輯/陳潔 後製/周天

Joint Development Plan of Heixiazi Island by China And Russia,
Brings Jiang Zemin's Treason to The Public

Recently, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda media
officially reported that Russia agreed to bring the CCP in on
the development of Heixiazi Island, or Bolshoi Ussuriysky
Island in Russian.
Analysts said, Xi Jinping's real purpose behind the move, is
to expose treasonous acts of former CCP leader Jiang Zemin.
This serves as a foundation to arrest Jiang in the future.

As a Chinese, one should also think about how to get back
the island in legal ways.
One solution is to negate the legitimacy
of the CCP regime in ruling China.

On Jan.20, the Xinhua managed newspaper Reference News
quoted a Sputnik International report.
The report said in a meeting with President Putin, Russia's
Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal
District Yury Trutnev, Moscow had laid out rough
development plans for Heixiazi Island.
The plan agrees to include the CCP in
the development project.

The report said Heixiazi Island is co-owned
by Russia and China.
The two countries may build an international resort on the
island, and set up a special visa problem for entry.
The island will be listed into priority development zones
to benefit from preferential policies.

The news again brings former CCP leader Jiang Zemin's
treason scandals to the public eye.

Heixiazi Island is located at the confluence of the Ussuri and
Amur rivers, with an area of about 327 square kilometers.
The Soviet Union occupied the island in 1929, but it was not
accepted by Republic of China or previous CCP governments.

After 1949, the CCP claimed the whole island as part of
Fuyuan County, Heilongjiang province in its territory maps.

In 1989, Jiang Zemin became the CCP's secretary-general.
In May 1991, Jiang Zemin visited the former Soviet Union.
While there he signed an agreement on the Eastern Section
of the Boundary between the PRC and the Soviet Union.
On Dec.9 1999, Jiang and Russian President Yeltsin signed
the Narrative Protocol on Eastern and Western Sections of
the China-Russia Boundary.

According to the Book "The Real Story of China's Jiang Zemin"
this protocol acknowledged all unequal treaties between the
Qing government and Russia.

It ceded more than 1 million square kilometers of precious
land, an area equal in size to dozens of Taiwans, to Russia.
It also gave Russia the exit point of the Tumen River, cutting
off northeast China from the Sea of Japan.

In July 2001, Jiang and Yeltsin decided to
bisect the Heixiazi Island.
In October 2004, the CCP and Russian foreign ministers signed
the Supplementary Agreement on the Eastern Section of the
Boundary between the PRC and Russia. The agreement ceded
half of Heixiazi Island (about 164 square kilometers) to Russia.

Ren Baiming, political commentator, "Jian signed away
an area the size of 40 Taiwans to Russia.
Against such a backdrop, Chinese people can easily see that
Xi Jinping's anti-corruption campaign will ultimately be
directed against the tiger boss, Jiang Zemin.

The report said the island will be jointly developed by the
CCP and Russia, but indeed this is exposal of Jiang's
acts of treason as the campaign progresses. The move is
virtually preparation work for the battle against Jiang."

After Jiang Zemin stepped down in 2004, former Singapore
Strait Times senior journalist and Hong Kong citizen
Cheng Xiang, unveiled details of Jiang's treason in the
Mingpao News.
In September 2005, Cheng Xiang was arrested by the CCP
on espionage charges and was imprisoned for nearly 3 years.

According to investigations by Chinese scholar Lu Jiaping,
Jiang Zemin is a "double traitor", working for both the
Nanjing Puppet Regime and Russia. Jiang's treacherous
acts were exactly to conceal these facts.

NTD's program Anchor of "Micro Footage" Zhao Pei said,
after reading the news about development plan on Heixiazi
Island, Chinese should think about how to get back the
territories given away by Jiang Zemin.

Zhao Pei, "First of all, we must not regard Jiang as head
of our state.
We have to know that he is a Russian spy, as verified
by many history scholars.
Second, we need to negate the legitimacy
of the CCP regime.
The CCP violates legal principles. For example, the regime
conducted massacres against Chinese people in its rule.
Third, the CCP was supported by the Soviet Union
before seizing power.
These three facts should be enough to negate
the legitimacy of the CCP's rule.
Based on this argument, all treaties signed
by the CCP leaders are unlawful."

"The Real Story of China's Jiang Zemin" pointed out that,
the CCP had not revealed the truth of Jiang Zemin's treason.
This would spell the CCP's demise. So the CCP did not
hold Jiang to account for his treasonous acts.

Political commentator Chen Pokong said in an NTD live talk
show that, any strategy of the CCP always put survival of its
regime as the goal above all. No matter what happens, the
party first considers the impact on its governance.
Therefore one can say that the CCP's regime
is maintained via treason to some extent.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ZhouTian