【禁聞】中紀委稱時間不多 老虎蒼蠅再落?


















採訪/陳漢 編輯/王子琦 後製/舒燦

Communist Central Disciplinary: Time Is Running Out

Tigers and flies have been synonyms
for sacked communist officials.

The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI)
claimed time is running short for tigers and flies.

Numerous tigers and flies have been sacked since the 18th
National Congress and the majority of them
belong to the Jiang faction.

CCDI's recent release has people question the meaning
of the signal.

Let's take a look.

The CCDI Website issued prospects of anti-graft in 2015.

It urged local sectors to speed up relevant arrangements
to collaborate with the Central.

Following the reform and development of discipline
and inspection from province to city and county,
the net is tightened.

The time left for the various tigers and flies is running out!

This statement seems to suggest a large number of them
will fall.

The statement was also commented on as "a decisive battle call
to arms" and an echo of what Xi Jinping declared earlier,
"no title cap on anti-corruption"
and "the landslide victory is yet to come."

Commentator Xing Tianxing: "It is actually a very stern
warning to the corrupt elements at all levels.

The immense power of the CCDI is shown in the downfall
of Xu Caihou, and Zhou Yongkang.

Isn't it easy to handle those junior tigers at the local

So why would it suggest that anti-graft is still grim
and complicated?"

Xing Tianxing explains that the real tigers are the leaders
of the Jiang faction such as Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong and
his ilk.

They are the ones the CCDI has yet to tackle.

In the CCDI statement, it was described that reform
in the discipline and inspection organ is taking place,
such as the central restructuring team has passed
three specific initiatives on Jan. 30.

The internal supervision mechanism is also gradually
put into function.

Xing Tianxing: "This top-down regulatory mechanism is
equivalent to enclosing all flies and tigers from Jiang Zemin's era.

It's also a way for the regime leader to reach absolute authority."

Since January, Xi Jinping has released a series of tough talks
targeting corruption against "critical" local elites.

In mid-January, People's Daily commented that
'iron-cap princes' don't exist in the anti-graft campaign.

On Feb. 3, CCDI also sent a strong signal that no one will be
an "iron-cap prince" in the campaign.

The so-called "no iron-cap princes" was interpreted as
meaning Jiang Zemin and the like will fall at any time.

So, where will the tiger hunt lead to?

Xing Tianxing: "There will be more of the various tigers
and flies in the provinces and cities as it goes down to local.

It will surely expand further up taking the momentum
from previous effort.

The final and the biggest tiger will eventually be hunted down."

There is no doubt that this campaign has frightened many
tigers and flies and earned some support from the public.

But after hunting down the tigers and flies one after another,
will the anti-corruption change its route to what's been
yearned for by the public: democracy?

China issue independent commentator Li Shanjian:
"The essence of anti-corruption is basically a struggle for power,
or better put, a competition between the new Xi faction
and the old Jiang faction.

It is said to win people's support to the society.

However, there is no way to reach the purpose (democracy),
because Communism itself is the fundamental mechanism
of the corruption."

Li Shanjian indicates the shortcut to resolve the massive
and deep-rooted corruption in the Communist regime is
to discard the entire violent, hypocritical and anti-humanity
mechanism of the Communist.

However, that of course means
the Chinese Communist Party perishes.

Li Shanjian: "That's why there won't be any good result
out of the regime's anti-graft campaign."

According to China's official record, a total of 68 officers
were checked in 2014.

Among whom, 16 were senior officers from the army.

Since the beginning of 2015, the regime has sacked three
officials, including Nanjing municipal Party secretary, Yang Weize,
Ministry of State Security vice minister, Ma Jian, and Gansu
Provincial People's Congress deputy director, Lu Wucheng.

While People's Daily named them the Three Tigers prelude
in the New Year, CCDI released another sacked tiger,
National Tourism Administration deputy director, Huo Ke.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/Wang Ziqi Post-Production/ShuCan