【禁聞】江西監獄6年死8囚 律師研討受阻















Eight Deaths in Jiangxi Prisons in Six Years.

Shocking and terrible secrets from within the Mainland
prisons have been exposed recently.

Notably, eight prisoners died over the past six years
in a prison in Ganzhou, Jiangxi Province.

A number of lawyers and families of the victims met in
Jiangxi to discuss the unnatural deaths of the prisoners.

But, there was interference from the local authorities.

On Feb. 7, the participants from Jiangsu, Shandong, Hunan,
Beijing, Guangzhou and Jiangxi gathered in a hotel in
Nanchang, Jiangxi Province. The theme was ‘Seeing through
the wall’.

It was to examine the unnatural deaths in prisons
and detention centers.

The meeting was almost canceled due to interference
from the authorities.

Shandong lawyer Zhang Weiyu, "There were people arriving
at the hotel on Feb. 6. The police attended to check their ID.

The next day we were told the power was off and
there was a short circuit in the conference room.

We got the key to the conference room, and found the
conference room lock was plugged with a matchstick."

Lawyer Zhang Weiyu said that as well as stopping lawyers
from entering the venue, the participating families of the
victims were also blocked from joining the meeting by
the local authorities.

Zhang Weiyu: "We were told before the meeting that at
least five or six of the invited participants were monitored
by agents who directly live in their houses. They were
prevented from going out.

Only two of them made it to the meeting.

But their local agents insisted that they should go home
and would not let us meet them. They were dragged away."

Why are the local authorities afraid of the meeting? Lawyers
felt that the topic is too sensitive for them.

It is said that the agenda of the meeting included
topics of violation of inmate’s personal rights,
the unnatural death of inmates, and establishing
a lawyer’s observation scheme.

Lawyers hope to support the families of victims
and raise concerns with the authorities.

Zhang Weiyu: "There has been the phenomenon of a
relatively large number of detainees having their personal
rights violated and experiencing torture while in detention
centers throughout China.

We hope the lawyers’ assistance will help the victims’
families to find out the truth."

A news report on eight prisoners who died over 6 years in a
jail in Jiangxi revealed how prison authorities have refused
to disclose the facts or implement a prison monitoring system.

A Jan. 30 report said from 2008 to 2014, eight prisoners died.
Three of the deaths occurred in the second half of 2014.

Five of them apparently died of sudden illnesses;

One was killed by other inmates; one died falling off
the building; and, one died of unknown causes.

Several of these victims’ family members were also invited
to join the meeting.

Zhang Weiyu, "It is our concern. As lawyers, we feel it was
a fairly simple thing to find out the truth.

The video recordings could have explained it clearly.

But the prison refused to provide the information.
They claimed the videos couldn’t be recovered.

We can’t comprehend this type of excuse.

We can only believe that there were other reasons
for the deaths."

In recent years, prisoners dying of unnatural causes in labor
camps, prisons and detention centers has become a
surprisingly severe phenomenon in China.

To shirk the responsibilities, prisons often made out bizarre

These range from death caused by "hide and seek",
"hanging", "drinking water", "nature causes", and "falling".

To prisoners and insiders, the causes become "torture",
"exhaustion", "beatings" and even "live organ harvesting".

Zhang Weiyu, "They won’t admit the unnatural causes.
They would say it’s a sudden death caused by illnesses.

I have just received one call saying that it’s ‘suicide’.

In all the cases we’ve handled so far, no prison has ever
voluntarily assumed responsibility. None of them!"

After public condemnation, authorities issued a law in 2010
to punish prison leaders when unnatural deaths occur.

A few years have passed but unnatural deaths have not
lessened but actually have become more wide spread.

Even a simple conference focusing on the unnatural deaths
is faced with the authorities causing a lot of difficulties.

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu