加國會法輪功之友共同主席Judy Sgro 慶法輪大法日的講話

【新唐人北京時間2019年05月15日訊】國會法輪功之友聯合主席 Judy Sgro:
What a wonderful day. I know that we have stood out here in the rain, and in the cold many times. So truly God blessed us all today by giving us this beautiful weather. I welcome you all here of course to parliament hill and when I look out and always see the words truth, compassion, and tolerance, I thank each and every one of you for what you are bringing to Canada by promoting the very values that make a country strong. That make individual Canadians strong. You are examples when you stand here in your beautiful yellows and blues to teach other people about love and about respect, and most importantly, about Canada, and what Canada stands for. Because those are very much the very three words that I believe all of us as parliamentarians believe in, promote, and want to see all Canadians participating and focusing on those same values.
So as the co-chair of the Falun Gong/Falun Dafa parliamentary friendship group. I'm pleased to add my name to the list of those supporting you, as you celebrate the 27th anniversary of the introduction of Falun Dafa.