【新唐人北京時間2025年01月28日訊】【鐵證如山系列講座】第31集 中共活摘法輪功學員器官前砍斷他們的四肢肌腱
Episode 31: Tendon Slashing Before Live Organ Harvesting
On July 25, 2022, Japanese economic commentator Ushio Sugawara reported to WOIFPG that before harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, the Armed Police General Hospital in Beijing would severe their limb tendons, in order to keep their organs in a relaxed state and ensure the quality of their organs.
知情人還披露,武警總醫院移植科的醫生說: 「由於中國人口眾多,我們可以準備任意數量的合適器官捐贈者。」 也就是說,他們取器官的活人,要多少有多少,中國人多的是,他們可以任意宰殺。這也再次左證了中共存在類似納粹死亡集中營式的器官活人供體庫。
He also revealed that a doctor from the Armed Police General Hospital told him, 「Since the population of China is large, we can supply any number of donors suitable for organ transplantation.」 In other words, they have as many living people as they want, for the purpose of organ harvesting. To them, there are ample Chinese people ready to be slaughtered by them at will. This is another piece of evidence that there exist Nazi-style concentration camps operated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to supply organs from living human beings.
這是一部中、英雙語版系統地揭露中共活摘法輪功學員器官國家群體滅絕犯罪的大型教學片。影片呈現了追查國際十多年來對中共活摘調查的主要證據。其中包括對5名中共中央政治局常委、軍委副主席、國防部長、軍方總後勤部衛生部部長、政法委、「610」、法院、活摘現場目擊者、全國41家器官移植醫院的45個院長、主任、醫生等調查錄音。是全面瞭解和深入研究中共活摘罪行的大型速成資料片。「Ironclad Irrefutable Evidence」 is a Chinese and English documentary series exposing the CCP’s organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners in China. It is a collection of more than a decade of investigation by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG). It includes recordings of evidence from five Committees of the Politburo of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee: the former vice-chairman of the Military Commission, the former Minister of National Defense, the former head of health division of Department of the Central Military Commission, the Political Committee, and Legal Committee; the 「610 Office," courts, on-site witnesses; and 45 hospital presidents, department directors, and doctors from 41 organ transplant hospitals in China. It is an informative resource that provides a comprehensive understanding and in-depth study of the CCP’s crime of live organ harvesting.
追查國際宗旨 追查國際一如既往,徹底追查迫害法輪功的一切罪行以及相關的機構、組織和個人,無論天涯海角,無論時日長短,必將追查到底,行天理,再現公道,匡扶人間正義。這就是我們對神的承諾,我們永不放棄。
As always, WOIPFG will continue to investigate the criminal conduct of all institutions, organizations, and individuals involved in the persecution of Falun Gong; to bring such investigations, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far and deep we have to search, to full closure; to exercise fundamental principles of humanity; to restore and uphold justice in society.
1. 追查國際:https://www.zhuichaguoji.org/node/133791 2. YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqxUCnjSPJrehEi3v-jUt6A
點閱 鐵證如山系列講座(責任編輯:劉明湘)