【新唐人2010年2月12日訊】 2月11號,在中國傳統新年即將來臨之際,加拿大阿爾伯塔省官方反對黨自由黨領袖、省議員大衛.斯旺博士(Dr. David Swann)代表阿爾伯塔省和自由黨向卡爾加裡市和埃德蒙頓市2010年神韻演出的主辦方之一阿爾伯塔省新唐人(NTDTV Alberta)發來賀信,感謝美國神韻藝術團為阿爾伯塔省帶來的傑出藝術貢獻,高度讚譽神韻藝術家的藝術造詣和讚美神韻帶來的普世價值正成為全人類現在和將來遵循的主題。
神韻藝術團為復興中國正統文化而誕生, 4年以來,神韻的演出已經取得了巨大的成功。神韻已經真正的成為人類傳播普世價值的希望,勇氣和善良,成為今天和未來的人類所必需遵循的主題。
大衛.斯旺 博士
As Leader of the Liberal Official Opposition of Alberta, I am pleased and honoured to bring warm greetings on behalf of my caucus colleagues and the province of Alberta to all those attending and involved with the 2010 Calgary and Edmonton performances of the Shen Yun Performing Arts company.
This is the fourth year that Shen Yun has brought its dynamic display of traditional Chinese culture to Alberta, and promises to be another spectacular exhibition of Chinese dance and artistry. For those that are experiencing Shen Yun』s incredible show for the first time, a feast for the senses and the spirit awaits you.
Shen Yun Performing Arts came into being with a vision of fostering a renaissance in Chinese culture. Four years later, the show has achieved that and so much more. Shen Yun is really about fostering the universal values of hope, courage and compassion; themes that are needed today more than ever.
Artistic expressions, whether in the form of a traditional Chinese dance troupe, a child picking up a paint brush for the first time, or a playwright』s words coming to life on stage, are vitally important to our continuing evolution as people, as a province, and as a country. The arts make us think; they question our assumptions; they inspire us to greater heights. I am very grateful to all artists for the way they challenge and uplift us; theirs is noble work.
On behalf of Alberta』s Official Opposition, I wish everyone a magical and awe-inspiring performance. Enjoy the show.
David Swann, MD
Leader, Official Opposition of Alberta
MLA, Calgary-Mountain View
新唐人記者 石緣 卡爾加裡報導。
加國阿爾伯塔省官方反對黨自由黨領袖、省議員大衛.斯旺博士Dr. David Swann
Biography for Dr. David Swann (AL)
MLA for Calgary-Mountain View
Official Opposition Leader
David Swann was elected to his second term as a Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta for the constituency of Calgary-Mountain View on March 3, 2008. On December 15, 2008, Dr. Swann became the leader of the Alberta Liberal caucus, Her Majesty』s Official Opposition. He also serves as critic for Health and Wellness and Executive Council.
During his first term Dr. Swann was environment critic and also served as deputy chair of the Standing Committee on Resources and Environment and as a member of the Private Bills Committee and the Standing Committee on Health.
Dr. Swann graduated from the University of Alberta with his B.MSc. in 1971, his MD in 1973 and from the University of Calgary with his FRCP(C) in 1988. He practised as a family physician from 1975 to 1984 and then as a public health consultant from 1988 to 2004.
Dr. Swann is active within his community and was responsible for initiating the Healthy City Project in Calgary in 1987. He was also a part of developing the first pesticide-free park in Calgary in 1998 and has been involved in a number of anti-sanctions, anti-war movements from 1995 to 2004, which included three trips to Iraq. He was involved in the publication of Finding My Voice for Peace (from Canada and the New American Empire, ed. George Melnyk). Dr. Swann was also honoured with the Gold Star Teaching Award in both 1999 and 2003 from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Calgary.
Dr. Swann has been actively involved in raising issues of human security and human rights both locally (farm-workers) and internationally (Darfur).
Dr. Swann and his wife, Laureen, have three children. During his free time he enjoys peace and justice work, music and singing, jogging, woodworking and writing.
February 12, 2009