【禁闻】埃及军方中立 启示中国军人选择









埃及总理沙菲克已主持召开了革命成功后的首次内阁会议。他表示, 政府会把权力交还人民。


Egyptian Military Staying Neutral Sets Example for Chinese Troops

Many Chinese people noticed that the Egyptian
military remained neutral and did not open fire
to the public during the 18 days of protest.
Currently they are responsible for safeguarding
a peaceful transition of the government.
Chinese democracy activists and scholars believe ,
this life example is a good inspiration to China and
the Chinese military.
Let’s take a look.

After Egyptian President Mubarak stepped down
on Feb. 12, the Supreme Military Council temporarily
took over the power and announced dissolution of
parliament, freezing execution of the constitution,
and setting up a committee for a new constitution.
They said their top priority is to maintain order and
restore safety, and promised a peaceful transition.

Activists and former student leader Tang Baiqiao
Thinks, Egyptian military’s choice during the revolution
gives inspiration to Chinese people and troops.

Tang Baiqiao: Egyptian military did not obey the dictators.
They remained neutral throughout the process.
They have built their credibility.
They have the ability and quality to take up the task
during this historical moment of power transfer.

Egyptian military is equipped with U.S. weapons.
Many officers graduated from West Point.
Mubarak promoted almost all high-ranking officers
during his 30 years reign. Vice-President Suleiman
was once Lieutenant General and
former head of Egyptian intelligence.
Egyptian Prime Minister Shafiq was Air Force chief.

Commentator Cao Changqing:
Although the generals were promoted by Mubarak,
they might be sentenced to death if they chose to
suppress the people, just like the Romanian dictator
Ceauşescu, or former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

Tang Baiqiao said, the globalization is changing
power distribution of the public and the dictator,
through Internet and media.

Tang Baiqiao: The internet thoroughly connects
a country to the world. People in the U.S. and
the world can help the Egyptian people at any time.
They all support the Egyptian revolution.
In contrast, Egyptian dictator’s power is much smaller.

Egyptian Prime Minister Shafiq has successfully
hosted the first cabinet meeting after the revolution.
He said the government would return power
to the people.

NTD Reporters Zhao Xinru and Zhou Xinyi