







目前,中国的数据造假、剽窃、抄袭已升级到买卖论文,成为一个年销售产值数亿元的产业。有关“论文服务公司”可提供实验设计与实施、 论文撰写,直至出版发表等一条龙服务。



不过,其中学历的真实性让人担忧。2010年,最为引人瞩目的当属 “打工皇帝”唐骏博士学历涉嫌造假事件,引发网上热议至今不衰。





Academic Degrees Inflate in China

China ranks on top in number of academic articles,
surpassing the U.S. in the world.
China has nearly 21 million graduates of
bachelor and master degrees.
But academic plagiarism and degree falsification
are widespread, academic inflation abound.
Scandals come out fast and furious.

China Youth reports, China has surpassed the U.S.
in academic articles published,
ranking No. 1 in the world.
But China ranks beyond 100th in article citations.

A case involving plagiarism and false data have
resulted in the withdrawal of Professor Li Liansheng’s
2005 National Sci-Tech Advancement reward
in Xi’an Jiaotong University.

This “First Incident” of academic scandal
at the national level is only a tip of the iceberg
in China’s academic corruption.

Liu Tao of Jinggangshan University falsified data
in over 70 articles published in a science journal.
The scandal was exposed last year,
shocking the international community.

Sichuan Online said over 50% researchers
admit widespread academic corruption in China.

Academician Ran Kangcheng said, this has
led to “academic bubble” and corrupt business.

Academic falsification and plagiarism in China
have become a huge profit-making business
with complete “service” in providing
research design, article writing and publication.

In 2009, business involving academic plagiarism
reached a revenue of 180-540 million yuan.

According to Xinhua, by 2009, China had awarded
335,000 PhDs, 2.73 million masters
and 18.3 million bachelors since 1979.
China has 347 PhD-awarding institutions,
697 master-awarding institutions,
and over 700 bachelor-awarding institutions.

But degree falsification is worrisome.
The most notable case is degree falsification
of Tan Jun, former Microsoft head in China.

After exposure of Tang’s case, within two days
nearly 100 people altered their resumes
on an interactive people’s website.

Metro Express said, engineered academics
and project-focused research led to
more researchers chasing after fame and profit.
State control also led to money-seeking projects.

Poet and analyst Ye Kuangzheng said,
lies have been part of China’s state system.
If you do not lie, you’ll be quickly eliminated.

NTD reporters Wang Ziqi and Guo Jing
