


“皮革水解蛋白粉”是将废旧皮革制品、甚至动物毛发经过水解制成的粉状物。这些经过糅制、染色等加工处理的皮革,含有“重铬酸钾”(potassium potassium dichromate)和“重铬酸钠”(sodium dichromate)等有毒物质,如果人体吸收,累积,可导致癌症,或是使关节疏松肿大,甚至造成儿童死亡。因为它本来就是一种蛋白质,因此检测难度比三聚氰胺更大。




王忠祥天津市民:“我现在有军队我就去跟他开战!现在往上一看,法官不懂得执法,在那黑心的判案,警察滥用权力。他把牟取私利的恶劣手段都弄到孩子身上,还有甚么道理可讲呢? ”




New Types of Tainted Milk Appeared in Chinese Market

Following the melamine contaminated milk in China,
a new toxic substance harder to detect is found
in dairy products - "hydrolyzed leather protein."
As early as 2005, there were reports about
firms adding hydrolyzed leather protein into cow milk.
Until recently, China’s Agriculture Ministry issued
a notice requiring “leather milk’ be investigated.

On Feb. 12, Agriculture Ministry issued
“2011 Fresh Dairy Products Safety Monitoring Plan,"
requiring all samples tested for Melamine and
30% tested for leather protein and alkalis.

"Hydrolyzed leather protein powder" is made from
hydrolyzed scrap leather products and animal hair.
After being kneaded, dyed, and processed,
the leather would contain potassium dichromate,
sodium dichromate and other toxic substances.
If the body absorbs and accumulates them,
the person will develop cancer or swollen joints.
They can even cause deaths in children.
As a protein, it is harder to detect than melamine.

Dr. Lin Jieliang, director of Toxicology,
Taiwan Chang Gung Memorial Hospital:
Extracting protein from scrap leather products
is often unable to get rid of the toxic chromium,
which can be a considerable health hazard.

China’s new toxic "leather milk" has now become
the focus of media in Hong Kong and Taiwan.
However, as early as 2005, someone reported a case
in Shandong, where a vendor added
"hydrolyzed leather protein powder" into milk,
and he was punished. In March 2009,
a milk powder manufacturer in Zhejiang produced
and sold “leather milk” in several provinces.
The manufacturer was punished by then.
In Feb. 2011, the company was accused again of
adding hydrolyzed leather protein to its products.

Wang Zhongxiang, resident in Tianjin:
If I had an army, I would go to war with them!
Nowadays, the judges do not understand law.
They make judgments against their conscience.
The police abuse their power.
People make profit at the expense of children.
Is there any justice?

Although Agriculture Ministry told the media,
the new regulatory scheme is more concrete
and has more stringent requirements,
Jiang Yalin, mother of a melamine milk victim
told Hong Kong media, the Ministry of Agriculture
did not do a thorough investigation until
several "leather milk" cases were exposed. She said,
the authorities only take stopgap measures.
Only when the problems become out-of-control,
would they produce policies to contain them.

Tainted milk is manufactured in China despite the ban.
This has made consumers completely lose confidence.
Sociology Professor Guo Yuhua at Tsinghua University
told the media, the problem is in the system.
The top-down degeneration has created
a large number of people with deceitful nature
and no integrity.

NTD reporters Qin Xue, Shang Yan, and Bo Ni
