Australia is a beautiful and prosperous country. Its picture-like scenery and open-minded attitude have attracted migrants from over 200 countries worldwide. Australia’s multicultural policy has engaged people of various ethnicities who live in this rich land and enjoy equal opportunity and treatment.
No matter what country migrants are from, they qualify as Australian citizens after living in Australia for over four years. No matter which ethnic background, culture, religion, language, gender or birth place people may have, they will become responsible to national interests and development once they become Australian citizens.
Mr.Stephen Sim -– Election Polling Booth Manager for Liberal Party
Here in Australia we are blessed with the right to vote something that we cherish very much, something that the people in China do not have and it is very dear to us and in Australia we have three governments for whom we elect. We have the Federal Government. The Federal Government looks after things such the economy, deference and all the national issues. We then have our State Governments we have NSW here Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia each of these states has a government. We also have our Local Government that takes care, it is like a village your local area, looks after the essential services such as your transport and your buildings this Saturday 26 of March it is every four year that we have the NSW State elections and everybody in NSW every adult who is registered to vote and when you do turn 18 you are required that you have to register and vote you have the opportunity to vote for against your local candidates.
Well, I think the most important thing is to realize this country of Australia we have the right to vote. Every individual has the right. Although some people get lazy or don’t want to vote intelligently, they are forgetting that for centuries people died that men and women might have the right to vote and have their people in parliament. So its very important that every people who is an Australian citizen whether from overseas or from Australian born that they do vote and they do vote for what they want.
It's a democratic system I recognized that many people in country overseas don’t have this privilege
我认识到这是个民主系统 ,许多海外国家的人民没有这个特权。
we shouldn’t take the freedom for granted and we should make the most of it.
Mr.Stephen Sim -– Election Polling Booth Manager for Liberal Party
Here in NSW the State is divided into ninety three areas each of those they are called the electorate each of those roughly has 50 thousand voters, so in Sydney you have the areas that are quite small probably two or three suburbs put together so there are roughly 50 thousand voters or there about in the country areas where people are spread out those electorates are much bigger of cause but the still contain 50 thousand people.
Mr. Jonathan O‘Dea – Liberal MP 自由党MP
There’s two houses in parliament, one is legislature of assembly, the other is legislature of council which is the house of review, review a lot of the legislation. The assembly has 93 members whereas the councils has 42.
有两个议会,一个 是立法议会,另一个是立法委员会,就是审核议会,审核很多立法。议会有93个成员,委员会有42个。
Mr.David Shoebridge-- Greens MP:
Many people sort of can’t really grasp how the NSW Parliament operates and I perfectly understand that, we have to chambers in NSW there is the Lower House called the Legislative Assembly and that is where the Premier and the opposition leader are normally found. You see pictures of them bickering on television in the lower house they are elected from districts all across NSW and there are 93 members elected from across NSW from individual districts that form the Lower House the Legislative Assembly and then we also have what is effectively the State Senate wich is the Upper House or the Legislative Council and that is the chamber that I am a member of. That is a 42 member chamber there are 42 members in that and it is effectively at a state level, the senate is at a federal level and it is elected from all across NSW so is no individual seats is what is called proportional representation and half the chamber gets elected every four year so coming up 21 members are up for election in this coming March election and they’ll for part of the NSW Upper House or NSW Senate.
Mr. Jonathan O‘Dea – Liberal MP 自由党MP
The legislature of assembly is very important in considering laws that are debated and passéd for our state of nsw as well as debating important issues of the day and holding the govt to account from an opposition perspective.
Mr. David Shoebridge Greens MP in the NSW Upper House :
What you need an Upper House for is to actually apply some independent scrutiny to what the government of the day is doing, keep an eye on things you know a real check and balance of the political system because traditional here in NSW the Upper House has not been controlled by the government of the day there is being a series of crossbenches who held a balance of power in the NSW Upper House.
你需要上议院是为了独立监督政府的所为,关注一些事情,你知道,真正的监察,当下政治体系的平衡,因为传统上在新州,上议院不受当权政府的控 制, 有一系列的无党派议席在新州上议院维持着权力均衡.
Ms. Linda Burney -- Labor MP
08:30 the minister within the govt is the person that is a member of cabinet. They have a very very important and highly responsible role to make decisions about what legislation, what law will be introduced into the parliament. You are also responsible for a department. generally from me, the department of community services , it is also the executive of government. it is the …the ministers are the senior people within govt. so it is a very very very important role.
Vo: 澳洲公民必须参加投票选举,这是强制性的。每一位选民的投票,对于候选人来说,都是至关重要的。因为澳洲实行的是“优先选票制”
Australians have to vote and it’s compulsory. Each vote for the candidates is essential, as Australia uses the “preferential voting” electoral system.
Mr. Jonathan O‘Dea – Liberal MP 自由党MP
in each electorate there are about 46000 people who are eligible to vote and you have to get a majority of those votes after preferences have been distributed. Nsw is not compulsory to get preferences so you can just vote 1, that’s certainly what I will advocate in my electorate. You can just vote 1, not surprisingly. They can just vote 1 for Jonathan O'Dea. Certainly, you have the option of providing a preference vote and if the no 1 vote is knock out it can be passed on to another candidate. But after all the valid votes had tallied up whoever has the majority of votes after you eliminate those who did not get many votes, you come down to 2 candidates and ultimately one candidate has the majority of those valid votes. They are the elected member for the legislative of assembly for the lower house in parliament. of the 93 seats are decided in that way. The party that is able to bring together the majority of the seats then gets to form govt.
每个选区大约有46000人有资格投票,在候选人的优先度被计算出来后,你就必须得到大部分的选票。新南威尔士不是强制性地 实行优先选举,所以你可以只投一票,那肯定也是我在我的选区要提倡的做法。你可以只投一票,这不奇怪。他们可以只投一票给Jonathan O‘Dea。当然,你也可以选择采用优先选举投票,如果你的第一候选人被淘汰出局,这张票还可以被你单子上的其他候选人使用。但是毕竟当那些没有得到多少选票的人出局后,所有有效的选票会使那些得到大多数选票的人得到更多选票,在两个候选人之间竞争,最终剩下的那个候选人会得到绝大多数的有效选票。他们会成为下议院立法院的正式成员。93个席位就是那样生成的。能够获得绝大多数席位的政党就会组阁政府。
Mr. Stephen Sim– Election Polling Booth Manager for Liberal Party
preference vote was introduced at the end of the previous century we had it in vogue in the election in Australia for about one hundred years and I sort out this little card for you three candidates: Peter Jones, John Smith and Greg Rogers. Now lest say Peter Jones gets 22.500 votes then John Smith comes second with 17.000 and Greg Rogers with 10.000 that total 50.000 votes in the election this are all total after the night at the end of the ballot. You can see that Peter Jones has 45% of the votes and John Smith has 35% and Greg Smith has 20% and you may say well that is good Peter Jones is elected. No he is not the reason we have preference voting is because although 45% of the people want him to be their Member in Parliament 55% don’t want him they voted against him. They don’t want him. So what they do you can vote preference so those who vote for Greg put one on their ballot paper, two for John and three for Peter so when Greg is eliminated all his votes go to John and you add the 35% to the 20% so well that is how John Smith can get elected because as the other people miss out their votes get added on after counting so that is how preference votes happen.
优先选举在上世纪末开始被采用,这在澳洲过去一百年的投票史上很流行。比如我把给这三位候选人-Peter Jones, John Smith 和 Greg Rogers- 的选票整理出来后,比如Peter Jones得到22500张选票,John Smith得到17000张选票位居第二,Greg Rogers得到10000张选票,这些就是在大选最后那个夜晚后在这次选举中的总共5万张选票。你可以看到Peter Jones有45%的选票,John Smith有35%的选票,而Greg Smith有20%的选票。你获取会说Peter Jones最有可能赢得大选。但是他不是的。我们采用优先选举的原因就是因为虽然有45%的人希望他能成为议会议员但是有其他55%的人却不希望他当选。接下来就是采用优先选举法,所以那些把Greg作为他们首选,把John排在第二把Peter排在第三的人,当Greg出局后所有这些人的选票都会到John手上,所以你把John本身的35%加上Greg的20% ,你就可以看到John Smith是如何赢得大选的,因为当一个候选人出局后,他的选票就会自动加载到第二名身上,这样就实现了优先选举。
Vo: 如果你在选举当天因为不再选区内、生病等原因无法参加投票,可以选择邮寄或者提前投票的方式。那么应该如何填写选票、什么样的选票才是有效的呢?
If you are not in your electorate on Election Day because of illness or other reasons, and you can't vote. Can you choose to mail your vote or vote early? So how should we fill in the ballot papers for it to count?
Mr. Stephen Sim – Election Polling Booth Manager for Liberal Party
We are now inside the actual polling place here for the pre-polling for Lane cove. It’s a building in Gladesville and this is the actual vote card you are issued with. What happens, the voter goes inside that room there, they are then have their name tick off the roll or in the computer, they are then given one of this. This is the lower house of the parliament….into one of those booths and then they vote from there.
我们现在就在投票的地方,是Lane cove选区的预投点。这是在Gladesville里的一幢建筑,这就是你要用的投票卡。这里要发生的就是选民到那个屋里去,然后他们的名字从名册上被划掉,或者是在电脑上被划掉,他们就会拿到一张卡。这是下议会下议院…进到其中一个投票箱,然后他们就在那里投票。
This is the upper house and there are 311 candidates. They can either vote above the line here, make a vote… you can even vote for every candidate and that means you have to vote from 1 to 311. If you put 2 1s or go 1,2 3, 5 9 11 and so on, it becomes invalid vote. Its worthless. So to save for people having to vote for all those candidates, what they ask you to do these days is just to vote 1 above that line, above the big blue line for the political party which you support. Those votes will be distributed to those candidates.
这是上议院,总共有311个候选人。他们可以要么就在这跟线前面这里投票,投他们的选票…你甚至开可以为每一个候选人投票,那意味着你要从1投到第311。如果你只投第21或象1,2 3, 5 9 11这样写选票,那就是无效选票。那是没有意义的。所以为了让那些想要为所有候选人投票的选民节省精力和时间,他们在现在会让你做的就是在这条线前面投一票,在这条蓝色的粗线前面投你支持的政党。然后这些票会分发到每个那里面的候选人手里。
Very important to understand too that the political parties who are listed all the way across. Look at how many political parties we have, an independent group here, there’s 1 ..the labour party here , the liberal party is somewhere there.
As with the lower house of parliament where you have the Christian Democrats candidate, the labour party ..the liberal, the independent for the greens, sorry the greens candidates. Their names are put into the hat, with the nomination close then put into a barrel and the names are drawn out in order. First one out goes to the top of the polling paper, 2nd 3rd and so on. Same applies for the upper house of parliament.
Vo: 对于大多数人来说,并不十分了解候选人是如何产生的,或者说是毫无概念。
Most people do not fully understand how candidates are found, or they simply have no idea.
Mr.David Shoebridge --Greens MP in the NSW Upper House
The traditional way of getting elected here in NSW has been to join a political party and be put forward after a p reselection as a candidate for a political party. So you can join the Labor Party and be put forward after you get the support of the Labor Party as a candidate for the Labor Party or the Liberal Party, National Party or the NSW Greens. The Greens are unique in terms of political parties here in NSW all of our positions so all of the preselected every candidate that you see standing for the Greens have been chosen by the members. We don’t have a centralized committee that determines who should be candidate. All of our positions are chosen by ballot by the members so that is a traditional way for becoming a member of a political party and getting the support of a political party but you can also stand as an independent you know you don’t have to be aligned with a political party and to stand as an Independent in the Lower House you need to find fifteen other people from that electorate who are on the roll who’ll nominate you in the lower house and in the Upper House you just need to find fifteen people from across the state who are on the roll to nominate you as an Independent and then you go on the ticket.
Vo:在纽省2011年的选举中,共有工党Labor ,Coalition联盟党, Christian Democrats基督教民主党, Greens绿党, Family First家庭第一党,等党派参加外,还有独立候选人。每个选区的候选人不等。
During the 2011 NSW state elections, there is Labor, the Coalition, Christian Democrats, Greens, Family First, other parties and the Independents. There are a range of candidates for each electorate.
Mr. Anthony Roberts -– Liberal MP 自由党MP
I‘ve been in nsw visiting communities, visiting ethnic groups and telling them the same message that nsw are our assets, our factories. They are not our mines. Our assets are our people. The people of nsw is our great assets of this contry.
Labour traditionally is opposed to small business and as we know in the chinese community trade, people from chinese background are great small business people. And what they want to do is get on with their life, employ people and look after their families. And that’s what the Liberal National Coalition[LNC] is about.We share the same ideals the people of chinese origin has and that is we believe in a strong family unit, we believe in enterprise and we believe that if you are prepared to work hard you should be rewarded.
Mr. David Shoebridge —Greens MP 绿党MP
Well we have quite a distinct set of values in terms of the politics here in NSW and federally. We have a fundamental belief in ecological sustainability that means we really need to think about the environment when we make long term decisions.
We also believe in social justice, fundamental belief in social justice which means making sure we keep those key services in public hands. So we keep our well funded public hospitals, we keep our very well funded public schools system.
Mr. Gordon Moyes -- FAMILY FIRST MP
I believe so, I've been here for 9 years therefore I must be re elected and I would asked all people who love the Chinese community , the Chinese culture who got compassion in their hearts for human rights and for persecuted people in different parts of the world to vote for me, family first with Gordon Moyes and Joseph Mack in order we might continue this work.
我也是这样想的,我已经在这里9年了所以我必须重新当选。我希望所有热爱中国社区的人们,热爱中国文化的并在心里对人权拥有慈善的人们,那些在世界上不同地方遭受着迫害的人们投我们的票,家庭第一政党Gordon Moyes和Joseph mack,以便我们能继续这方面的工作。
My name is Marie Ficarra and I am the member for the upper house of NSW govt and I represent the liberal party. So basically the whole of NSW.
Look we have so many brilliant candidates. We are tracking how everyone is traveling. We are just absolutely so pleased that people are hearing our message and individual candidate are working very hard.
Well, the NSW state election is on March 26th. In the end who will get it? Let's wait and see.